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Food Assistance/Food Bank Program

Find a Facility Results: 1-4 of 4 Web Pages

Food Distribution Program: FAQs for Schools/CN Commodity Programs

This page provides a list of frequently asked questions about the Child Nutrition (CN) Commodity Programs and how they work. CN Commodity Programs are a food distribution program of the U.S. Departmen... Details >

Food and Nutrition Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Child and Adult Care Food Program Home Page

This USDA program was established to provide healthy meals and snacks in child and adult day care facilities. The CACFP reimburses participating day care operators for their meal costs and provides th... Details >

Food and Nutrition Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Federal Food Programs  External Link

The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) works to reduce hunger nationwide and provides this list of Federal Food Programs available to help children grow and learn.... Details >

Food Research and Action Center  External Link

Summer Food Service Program

This federal program was created to ensure that children in lower-income areas could continue to receive nutritious meals during long school vacations, when they do not have access to school lunch or ... Details >

Food and Nutrition Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture