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Hazardous Weather Outlook - Days 4-7

HWO Graphic Hazard Scale
Hazard Level 5
Hazard Level 4
Hazard Level 3
Hazard Level 2
Hazard Level 1
Hazard Level 0

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Days 4-7

Hazard Scale
5 - Very SignificantVERY SIGNIFICANT RISK OR IMPACT. Could potentially injure and/or kill the most people and/or result in catastrophic property and economic damage.
4 - SignificantSIGNIFICANT RISK OR IMPACT. Could result in significant economic and/or property damage, and/or a significant risk to life.
3 - MediumMEDIUM economic impact. These events are a risk to life, and/or property with medium economic impact.
2 - Small Mainly nuisance type events. Risk to life and/or property is small if precautions are taken.
1 - Minimal Minimal Risk to life and/or property.
0 - Nil No Significant or Hazardous Weather Expected.

Please send any comments on this product to Chance Hayes, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, WFO Wichita, Kansas

  • National Weather Service
  • Wichita, Kansas Weather Forecast Office
  • 2142 S. Tyler Road
  • Wichita, KS 67209-3016
  • 316-942-3102
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