Title 10--Energy



TEXT PDF61.1 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF61.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF61.3 License required.
TEXT PDF61.4 Communications.
TEXT PDF61.5 Interpretations.
TEXT PDF61.6 Exemptions.
TEXT PDF61.7 Concepts.
TEXT PDF61.8 Information collection requirements: OMB approval.
TEXT PDF61.9 Employee protection.
TEXT PDF61.9a Completeness and accuracy of information.
TEXT PDF61.9b Deliberate misconduct.
TEXT PDF61.10 Content of application.
TEXT PDF61.11 General information.
TEXT PDF61.12 Specific technical information.
TEXT PDF61.13 Technical analyses.
TEXT PDF61.14 Institutional information.
TEXT PDF61.15 Financial information.
TEXT PDF61.16 Other information.
TEXT PDF61.20 Filing and distribution of application.
TEXT PDF61.21 Elimination of repetition.
TEXT PDF61.22 Updating of application.
TEXT PDF61.23 Standards for issuance of a license.
TEXT PDF61.24 Conditions of licenses.
TEXT PDF61.25 Changes.
TEXT PDF61.26 Amendment of license.
TEXT PDF61.27 Application for renewal or closure.
TEXT PDF61.28 Contents of application for closure.
TEXT PDF61.29 Post-closure observation and maintenance.
TEXT PDF61.30 Transfer of license.
TEXT PDF61.31 Termination of license.
TEXT PDF61.40 General requirement.
TEXT PDF61.41 Protection of the general population from releases of radioactivity.
TEXT PDF61.42 Protection of individuals from inadvertent intrusion.
TEXT PDF61.43 Protection of individuals during operations.
TEXT PDF61.44 Stability of the disposal site after closure.
TEXT PDF61.50 Disposal site suitability requirements for land disposal.
TEXT PDF61.51 Disposal site design for land disposal.
TEXT PDF61.52 Land disposal facility operation and disposal site closure.
TEXT PDF61.53 Environmental monitoring.
TEXT PDF61.54 Alternative requirements for design and operations.
TEXT PDF61.55 Waste classification.
TEXT PDF61.56 Waste characteristics.
TEXT PDF61.57 Labeling.
TEXT PDF61.58 Alternative requirements for waste classification and characteristics.
TEXT PDF61.59 Institutional requirements.
TEXT PDF61.61 Applicant qualifications and assurances.
TEXT PDF61.62 Funding for disposal site closure and stabilization.
TEXT PDF61.63 Financial assurances for institutional controls.
TEXT PDF61.70 Scope.
TEXT PDF61.71 State and Tribal government consultation.
TEXT PDF61.72 Filing of proposals for State and Tribal participation.
TEXT PDF61.73 Commission approval of proposals.
TEXT PDF61.80 Maintenance of records, reports, and transfers.
TEXT PDF61.81 Tests at land disposal facilities.
TEXT PDF61.82 Commission inspections of land disposal facilities.
TEXT PDF61.83 Violations.
TEXT PDF61.84 Criminal penalties.

