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Regional Alliances and State Plans > Region III > Annual Alliance Report

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January 11, 2005

I. Alliance Background

August 27, 2003


The Alliance was formed to provide LCTI students, staff members and others, including public and private volunteer members of the Occupational Advisory Councils (OAC) with information, guidance, and access to training resources in order to help protect the general health and safety of the LCTI campus and youth entering the workforce. To assist the school in identifying safety and health issues and hazards that are observed through safety audits of the school’s classrooms, laboratories and student built house project, to develop and disseminate information through print and electronic media, including electronic assistance tools and links from OSHA’s and LCTI’s Web sites, and to speak, exhibit, and/or appear at LCTI conferences, local meetings, or other school events such as Educator Academy’s and School-to-Career in-services.

Implementation Team Members

David Lapinsky, Assistant Administrator, LCTI

Scott Shimandle, CAS, USDOL/OSHA Allentown Area Office


James Casey, Praxair Inc.; Claude Kohl, Jr., retired; Bill Dellicker, LCTI; Robert Edwards, Lehigh Valley HazMat Responders; Michael Gibson, Associated Builders and Contractors; Joel Oleksa, Air Products and Chemicals; Linda Pacifico, LCTI; Tyrone Reed, Alvin H. Butz, Inc.

Evaluation Period

August 27, 2003 until October 27, 2004

II. Implementation Team Meetings

Sep. 3, 2003
Oct. 28, 2003
Nov. 20, 2003
Jan. 22, 2004
Feb. 26, 2004
Apr. 1, 2004
Apr. 7, 2004

Jun. 10, 2004
Telephone conference call
Occupational Advisory Meeting and School Inspection
Occupational Advisory Meeting and School Inspection
Occupational Advisory Meeting and School Inspection
Occupational Advisory Meeting and School Inspection
Occupational Advisory Meeting and School Inspection
Meeting with LCTI Asst. Administrator and Warehouse Mgr. to discuss school wide MSDS and labeling program
1Meeting with LCTI Staff to discuss Training Grant process

III. Events and Products

Training and Education

Aug. 27, 2003

Oct. 29, 2003
Nov. 25, 2003

Jan. 5, 2004

Mar. 11, 2004

Sep. 2, 2004
Presentation to LCTI Staff during Teacher In-Services on OSHA, Alliances and our web site
Presentation to students and teachers on ladders, scaffolds and power tools
Presentation at Educator’s Academy on Ergonomics, conducted by Wilkes-Barre Area Office CAS, Fred Bartol, PhD.
Presentation to School-to-Career students on OSHA activities and youth in the workplace
Presentation at Educator’s Academy, Hazard Communication and Personal Protective Equipment
Presentation to LCTI Staff during Teacher In-Services on Material Safety Data Sheets
  • Products

    No products created at this time
Outreach and Communication
  • Events

    Feb. 20, 2004 Presentation at Pennsylvania Vocational Administrators Conference (Hershey, PA)

  • Products

    No products created at this time.
Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health
  • Events

    No events promoting National Dialogue, however, please take note to above listed presentation at the PA Vocational Administrators Conference

  • Products

    No products created at this time
IV. Results

This Alliance continues to have a significant impact on improving the safety and health of not only the students and faculty of LCTI, but also enhancing the safety knowledge of members of the school’s Occupational Advisory Committee. The school inspections have identified almost 100 safety and health issues that are currently being addressed to improve S/H. Additionally, the items being found are being utilized as part of the school’s improvement plan, during the complete renovation process that is currently being conducted.

Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.)
Number of Individuals Reached or Trained
Presentation – OSHA activities 60 Instructors, Teachers, Aides and other Staffers (90)
Presentation – ladders, scaffolds, tools 60 students and 10 instructors
Presentation – Ergonomics 12 Instructors, Teachers, Aides and other Staffers (15)
Presentation – Youth in the Workplace 65 students, 2 instructors
Presentation – Hazard Communication and Personal Protective Equipment 10 Instructors, Teachers, Aides and other Staffers (15)
Presentation – Material Safety Data Sheets 60 Instructors, Teachers, Aides and other Staffers (90)

V. Upcoming Milestones

The school’s Administration is planning on institutionalizing the OSHA 10 and/or 30 hour construction training courses as part of their core curriculum to enhance the safety and health knowledge of the students prior to the job market. Additionally, the Occupational Advisory Committee is discussing different means to positively reinforce the lack of hazardous conditions found within the different labs/classrooms. Student involvement continues to grow, as some Instructors have delegated a student safety representative to not only inspect the area, but also to accompany the committee during its audits.

It is strongly recommended that this Alliance continue to aid in assisting the school in improving not only its physical safety and health condition, but also the safety and health knowledge of the students, instructors, teachers, aids, and other staffers.

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