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All Health A-Z Results: 11-14 of 14 Web Pages
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Resources of Health and Fitness Organizations

This list of health and fitness organizations is offered on, the health, physical activity, fitness and sports information website of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sp... Details >

President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports

Selecting A Running Shoe  External Link

Running shoes should be selected carefully. Factors to weigh when looking for a new shoe include past experience with shoes, current problems, biomechanical needs, environmental factors, rand unning a... Details >

American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine  External Link

Socks: Hosiery - Essential Equipment for the Athlete  External Link

Discussion on the role of socks in preventing injury to the athlete and in enhancing his/her performance.... Details >

American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine  External Link

Student-Athlete Personal Welfare – NCAA  External Link

Athletes face even more personal and physical hazards than the average college student. This page provides links to resources and programs that the NCAA conducts to help student-athletes stay healthy ... Details >

National Collegiate Athletic Association  External Link