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"Status and Future Directions of the High Production Volume (HPV) Challenge Program" Report and Tri-Fold Brochure

Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.

November 2004 - The "Status and Future Directions of the High Production Volume (HPV) Challenge Program" report provides an in-depth update regarding the successful collaborative effort between EPA, Environmental Defense, the American Chemistry Council, and the American Petroleum Institute in creating the voluntary initiative, and the tri-fold brochure provides a much more general description of the program.

After multiple studies in the mid-1990's showed that Americans lacked even basic data related to high production volume chemicals that are most widespread in the United States, and since the program's inception in 1998, participation by U.S. Chemical Manufacturers has been outstanding. More than 400 chemical manufacturers and 100 consortia (groups of companies) have agreed to provide health and environmental effects data for more than 2,200 HPV chemicals. In fact, many of the chemical manufacturers have created partnerships that had never existed in the past. EPA has made, and continues to make, the data publicly available on its website and encourages public comments that address the adequacy of the data. Most of the public comments to date have come from stakeholders such as Environmental Defense and animal welfare advocates.

The report and brochure include information regarding the soon-to-be-released HPV Information System (HPVIS). The HPVIS is a comprehensive, data-searchable application that will allow the public to search for detailed data that has been submitted to the Agency. EPA has also developed a strategy to address "orphan" chemicals that have not been sponsored. Through continued efforts to gather the remaining data for HPV chemicals, and outreach efforts designed to better inform all stakeholders, the public will be assured of having access to information related to the chemicals that are most commonly found in our communities across the United States.

green ball  "Status and Future Directions of the High Production Volume (HPV) Challenge Program" Report

green ball  "Status and Future Directions of the High Production Volume (HPV) Challenge Program" Tri-Fold Brochure

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