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Have a Healthy Pregnancy

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Take Action!

There are lots of things you can do to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Don’t wait.

Get Prenatal Care
If you know you are pregnant or think you might be, call your doctor to schedule a visit. Women in every state can get help to pay for medical care during their pregnancies.

Programs give medical care, information, advice, and other services important for a healthy pregnancy. To find out about the program in your state:

  • Call 1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229).
  • For information in Spanish, call 1-800-504-7081.

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Start Today: Small Steps
  • Ask your doctor if you should be taking a daily prenatal vitamin.
  • Write down all of your medical appointments in a calendar.
  • Print out these Fish Facts [PDF-231 KB] for pregnant moms and post them on your refrigerator.

Learn how you can quit smoking to have a healthy pregnancy. Get tips for breastfeeding your baby.

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