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Reviewing New Chemicals

More on Reviewing New Chemicals
Strategic Plan

One of the targets in "Goal Four" in EPA's Strategic Plan is to ensure that new chemicals introduced into commerce do not pose unreasonable risks to workers, consumers, or the environment. The plan foresees this target being met by 2011.

Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), EPA uses its traditional regulatory authorities to control or keep potentially hazardous new chemicals out of the market. EPA's New Chemicals Program (NCP) is one of the Agency's premier risk management programs, and serves a key gatekeeper function.

Specifically, under TSCA Section 5, EPA must be given notice before a new chemical substance can be manufactured or imported into the United States. This pre-manufacture notice (PMN) must be submitted at least 90 days prior to the manufacture or import of the chemical.

The New Chemicals Program reviews submissions to determine if any of the chemicals warrant prohibiting or limiting their manufacture, processing, or use. Because many PMNs include little or no toxicity or fate data, the program uses several risk screening approaches to facilitate assessment in the absence of specific data. This enables rapid evaluation of potential risks and making risk-management decisions for the new chemicals within the 90-day timeframe prescribed by TSCA.

More information on the New Chemicals Program.


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