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Stingy Grizzly

New Wolf Pack

River Otters




This Month in Yellowstone
Stingy Grizzly

On November 10, Bob Landis was out filming in Yellowstone, much as he is every day. This time, however, he ran across a particularly stingy grizzly bear that was amusing to watch simply due to his unwillingness to share his elk carcass with a raven.

It is very likely that the elk was killed by the Slough Creek Wolf Pack during the night. The bear probably chased the wolves from their kill and pulled the carcass up on the rock in the Lamar River. Bears chasing wolves, sometimes many wolves, from their kills is well documented. In this case, we can only speculate the circumstances that led to the grizzly having a huge elk carcass to defend.

As you will see in the video, now that the bear has claimed his prize and eaten his fill, he is unwilling to share the elk with anyone, including a raven who keeps coming back to try again and again.

Grizzly bear tries to shoe away a raven from an elk carcass lying on a boulder in a river.
Grizzly Paws at a Raven to Chase it Off - © 2004 Bob Landis
VIDEO © 2004 Bob Landis

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