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Smart Growth: Estuary Protection and Improvement

National Estuary Program

The National Estuary Program (NEP) was established under the 1987 Clean Water Act Amendments. It is a unique voluntary program that operates through partnerships with EPA and other public and private sector entities. Each NEP operates via an inclusive, collaborative decision-making process to deliver on-the-ground results, making the NEP a leading model of watershed management.

National Estuary Program Protecting and Restoring for 20 years

Why Is Smart Growth Important For Estuary Protection And Improvement?

Nationally, runoff is the second most common source of water pollution for estuaries.  Runoff from developed areas often contains nutrients, pathogens, and metals. Cumulative impacts from conventional development -- including increased stormwater volume and flow rates – lead to erosion, estuary degradation, and habitat destruction.   Conventional stormwater management practices address peak flows and suspended solids, but are only partially effective in managing cumulative impacts.  Compact development paired with preservation of critical natural areas can help protect estuaries by (1) using land more efficiently, (2) reducing the amount of impervious surface per capita, and (3) allowing open lands to filter rainwater naturally, thus recharging local groundwater aquifers and supporting improved hydrologic function.  Below are examples of how some National Estuary Programs are using Smart Growth to protect and improve their estuaries:

Charlotte Harbor
Protecting and Improving Estuaries with Smart Growth Tools: Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program
(2 pp, 251K, About PDF)
Lower Columbia River
Protecting and Improving Estuaries with Smart Growth Tools: Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership
(2 pp, 510K, About PDF)
Maryland Coastal Bays
Protecting and Improving Estuaries with Smart Growth Tools: Maryland Coastal Bays Program
(2 pp, 220K, About PDF)
Tampa Bay
Protecting and Improving Estuaries with Smart Growth Tools: Tampa Bay Estuary Program
(2 pp, 375K, About PDF)



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