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U.S. Judges Share U.S. Judicial Experience with Russian Colleagues

On April 26, 2005, U.S. Federal Judges Paul Magnuson and Steven Williams met with a working group that is addressing amendments to the Russian Federation (RF) laws on education and social protection of disabled people. The working group brings together lawyers who work on disability rights issues -- including staff the USAID-funded disability rights NGO “Perspektiva” -- private attorneys, special education teachers, Duma members, and representatives from regional disability NGOs such as “Invatour” in Nizhniy Novgorod. The judges spoke about U.S. laws relating to the right of the disabled to education and employment, and answered questions from the Russian participants. On April 28, Judges Magnuson and Williams also addressed the RF Council of Judges on issues of judicial ethics and judicial independence. In particular, the Judges spoke about the U.S. random case assignment system and transparency of court operations. During their visit, the judges also met with a representative of the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service to discuss a pending competition law.

Famous Russian portrait painter Aleksandr Shilov hosted Judges Magnuson and Williams and his Moscow gallery during their recent visit
Famous Russian portrait painter Aleksandr Shilov hosted Judges Magnuson and Williams and his Moscow gallery during their recent visit. (From left: Mr. Shilov; Aleksandr Shibanov, Chief of Party of the Russian American Judicial Partnership (RAJP); Chief Justice of the RF Supreme Court Vyacheslav Lebedev; Judge Magnuson; RF Supreme Court Justice Yuriy Sidorenko, Chairman of the RF Council of Judges; Judge Williams; and RAJP interpreter Tatiana Shalimova.)

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