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Armenia Takes Another Step to Support Ethical Judicial Conduct

One of the cornerstones of democracy is the establishment of an independent and impartial judiciary to promote the rule of law and protect the rights of citizens. For several years, USAID’s Rule of Law Development Program (RLDP) has been assisting Armenia in fostering greater independence of the judicial system, raising the accountability and professionalism of judges and lawyers, and increasing public awareness of human and civil rights.

(From left:) Hovhannes Manoukyan, Chairman of RA Court of Cassation, John M. Walker Jr., senior US circuit judge, and Hrach Sargsyan, Chairman of RA Association of Judges underscore the importance of the 'Commentaries' in promoting rule of law and ensuring effective functioning of Armenia's Judicial Code
(From left:) Hovhannes Manoukyan, Chairman of RA Court of Cassation, John M. Walker Jr., senior US circuit judge, and Hrach Sargsyan, Chairman of RA Association of Judges underscore the importance of the “Commentaries” in promoting rule of law and ensuring effective functioning of Armenia’s Judicial Code
Photo Credit: ABA/ROLI

One of the program’s major accomplishments in 2007 was the publication of the “Commentaries to the Code of Judicial Conduct,” which was jointly drafted by the Ethics Committee of the Republic of Armenia (RA) Council of Court Chairmen and the Board of the RA Association of Judges, with technical assistance from the USAID RLDP implementing partner, American Bar Association’s Rule of Law Initiative, and the editorship of the Chairman of the RA Court of Cassation, Hovhannes Manoukyan.

The Judicial Code of Conduct of Armenia, which became effective on December 8, 2005, incorporates requirements of fundamental international documents related to judicial conduct. The recently published “Commentaries” help to ensure the effective functioning of Armenia’s Judicial Code with the goal of promoting independence, impartiality and accountability of judges. The new “Commentaries” also require the judiciary to follow proper conduct both in their judicial and extra-judicial capacity to uphold public’s trust in the country’s judicial branch.

The presentation of the “Commentaries” was attended by judges from courts throughout Armenia as well as representatives from the Ministry of Justice, Chamber of Advocates, Prosecutor General’s Office, and local and international organizations. The honorary guest speaker at the event, John M. Walker Jr., Senior U.S. Circuit Judge, highlighted the importance of the publication, noting that “an independent and ethical judiciary is an essential ingredient of the rule of law.”

“The three documents – the Judicial Code, the Code of Judicial Conduct, and these Commentaries to the Code of Judicial Conduct – demonstrate Armenia’s continued commitment to the rule of law,” he said.

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