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Survey Gives Kazakhstanis a Voice in Their Courts

In February, Court Customer Satisfaction Surveys were placed in four courts in Kazakhstan: two oblast courts and two rayon courts. The surveys are part of a pilot project implemented by the USAID Kazakhstan Judicial Assistance Project in collaboration with the Union of Judges of Kazakhstan. The surveys were designed to gather user opinions and comments to help measure the quality, performance, and effectiveness of the courts and their services. The instruments are also intended to give citizens a voice and create a more active and concerned populace that will expect justice from their judicial system.

Several dozen completed surveys were submitted during the first month of the pilot, with most respondents reporting positive experiences at the courts. The most common concerns focused on the length of time respondents waited for service and the accuracy of the information they were given by court staff. The survey results will help contribute to the continued development of Kazakhstan’s judicial system.

The Court Customer Satisfaction Survey will be replicated more broadly throughout Kazakhstan, pending the pilot project’s success.

The Customer Satisfaction Surveys gather user opinions and comments on court services
The Customer Satisfaction Surveys gather user opinions and comments on court services
Photo Credit: KJAP

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Tue, 05 Jun 2007 09:37:59 -0500