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Tajikistan Passes Its First Water Users Association Law

In November, the Parliament and President of the Republic of Tajikistan signed the country’s first Water User Association Law. Previously, water user associations (WUAs) were registered under the Law on Public Associations and lacked the legal rights to effectively operate and maintain their irrigation and drainage systems. The USAID-funded Water User Association Support Program provided expert legal advice and brought key stakeholders together to provide comments and recommendations on the draft law. The program collaborated with other major donors to draft WUA legislation, facilitated feedback on the drafts from partner WUAs and, together with a local NGO, sponsored an open parliamentary hearing. The new Water User Association Law represents a significant step forward in enhancing and strengthening water user associations, as well as providing a climate that will promote investments in the agricultural and water sectors in Tajikistan.

The USAID-funded program helps communities to set up and manage water users associations
The USAID-funded program helps communities to set up and manage water users associations
Photo Credit: WUASP

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Thu, 08 Mar 2007 08:58:47 -0500