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Volunteer Exchange Alumna Uses Technology to Promote Social Issues

USRVI volunteer and children at a Cleveland, Ohio internet resource center
USRVI volunteer and children at a Cleveland, Ohio internet resource center

Anna Vorozheykina, an alumna of the 2004 U.S. Russia Volunteer Initiative (USRVI) program jointly funded by USAID and the U.S. State Department, recently completed a four month project to expand the use of information technology and encourage the development of social organization websites in her home town of Togliatti. In late 2004, Ms. Vorozheykina spent four weeks as a USRVI volunteer in Cleveland, Ohio working with children at an internet resource center. With financial support from the USRVI Alumni Grants Program, Ms. Vorozheykina used her volunteer experience to develop a course on website design for students at Togliatti State Academy of Services. During the course, students competed to create the best social organization website. The course not only improved the students’ technical skills but also created websites that Togliatti social organizations can now use to reach wider audiences. More information about this project is available on the internet at

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