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Support to Child Welfare Programs Highlighted in Foreign Adoption Debate

Knowledge of foreign adoptions in Russian is common, but few are aware that USAID’s Assistance to Russian Orphans (ARO) program is working with local, regional and federal governments and NGOs to introduce much-needed family-based care and support services models. On May 5, U.S. Embassy Moscow’s Consul General, James Pettit participated in a radio debate about foreign adoption on Moscow-based radio station Ekho Moskvy. In response to criticism about the number of foreigners adopting children in Russia, Mr. Pettit reminded the audience that the U.S. government actively works with local partner organizations to improve the care and living conditions of children within Russia. Specifically, he mentioned that USAID/Russia has allocated more than $4 million in FY 2005 to child welfare programs for abandoned children and children at risk of being abandoned. To date, more than 50,000 Russian children and their families have benefited from ARO programs.

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