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A Stream That Divided Now Joins Communities

A mixed Albanian, Roma and Serbian Kosovar community in Kamenicë/a Municipality dedicated a sewerage and drainage system on January 27, 2005. The neighborhood's Community Working Group, assisted by USAID's Municipal Infrastructure and Support Initiative (MISI), worked closely with municipal officials to address the needs and priorities in this community, and as a result, the stream of black water running through the neighborhood is no longer a health hazard for residents. MISI is an 18-month project designed to assist communities and improve conditions for returns and reintegration of minorities.

After several months of identifying priorities, working out solutions, advocacy efforts and lobbying for support to the municipal officials, the mixed Community Working Group managed to repair 451 meters of the sewerage/drainage system at a total cost of 23,426.41 euros, of which municipality contributed 4,676.41 euros and USAID/MISI, 18,750.00 euros; the community's in-kind contribution totaled 1,000 euros.

USAID/Kosovo Mission Director Ken Yamashita observed, "Kamenica and this neighborhood, this working group have are an example for all Kosovo, on how everyone - different ethnic groups, officials and citizens - can work together to resolve their problems."

Cheerful citizens celebrate project completion

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