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Russian Teens Inspired To Support HIV Services for Those At Risk

Students from Moscow’s Anglo-American School have raised approximately $500 to support the fight against HIV in Russia. The students were inspired to begin a fundraising campaign after 10th and 11th graders saw a presentation last month on HIV/AIDS awareness conducted by USAID and Population Services International (PSI) representatives. The presentation was a follow-up to USAID and PSI’s World AIDS Day efforts to increase awareness about the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Russia. Next week, eight students interested in the fight against HIV will present their donation to the Russian NGO Info-Plus. The students will visit Info-Plus’ Moscow-based drop-in center for at-risk teenagers and learn more about HIV prevention and awareness activities in Russia.

USAID/PSI World AIDS Day Event at Moscow’s Anglo-American School
USAID/PSI World AIDS Day Event at Moscow’s Anglo-American School


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