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ARO Hosts Conference on Preventing Abandonment of HIV/AIDS Affected Children

The first all-Russia conference to discuss ways to prevent the abandonment of children born to HIV-infected mothers was held in Moscow, July 17-20, 2005. The USAID-funded Assistance to Russian Orphans (ARO) Program organized the event in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Development and the Ministry of Education and Science. Over 150 government officials, technical experts and service providers representing the health, social welfare and education sectors of the 11 Russian regions with the highest HIV rates gathered to discuss cooperation in medical, psychological, and social assistance for HIV-positive mothers as well as family placement programs for HIV orphans. The conference included project development work guided by ARO staff on 92 draft proposals submitted by the participants prior to the conference. On the final day of the conference the participants, who had formed 40 project groups, presented 20 program proposals that had been developed and refined on-site during the conference.

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