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Journalist Wins National Human Rights Award for Moldova Project

For the second year in a row, a journalist with the USAID Anti-Trafficking Project in Moldova received national recognition for her pioneering reporting. Leontina Vatamanu-Margineanu, who directs, writes and produces the Project’s “Destinies and Destinations” television program, received the top television category prize at the 2007 Human Rights Gala. Held on International Human Rights Day, December 10, the Gala was co-hosted by the United Nations and the Moldova Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights to recognize initiatives that protect and promote human rights in Moldova.

One of Vatamanu-Margineanu’s two winning episodes examined the consequences of mass outward migration in Moldova due to economic instability and lack of jobs and included a profile of a village with only a single remaining resident. In her acceptance speech, she noted that she had received word that the individual had died, leaving the village home to nothing but memories.

Vatamanu-Margineanu accepts her award for her work to promote human rights in Moldova
Vatamanu-Margineanu accepts her award for her work to promote human rights in Moldova

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Fri, 29 Feb 2008 14:51:05 -0500