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Displaced Youth Celebrate International Children’s Day

More than 300 children enrolled in World Vision Russian Federation programs participated in educational events to celebrate International Children’s Day in early June 2007. Most of these children are from families who fled the fighting in Chechnya and North Ossetia more than a decade ago, and continue to live in displacement, with memories of the conflict.

Working with local partners in North Ossetia and the Republic of Ingushetia, USAID-funded World Vision created three events which brought together children, parents and community leaders to celebrate and learn about the rights of the child. Media coverage of one event and the spirit of celebration for the children were acknowledged by the President of the Republic of Ingushetia.

Hundreds of displaced children from the North Caucasus are able to benefit from USAID-funded educational programs in Russia
Hundreds of displaced children from the North Caucasus are able to benefit from USAID-funded educational programs in Russia

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