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Training Extends Knowledge of Human Trafficking Issues in Russia

On January 27, 2006, The Center for the Prevention of Social Problems, a recipient of a grant given by the USAID-supported Winrock International Path to Success! Program, organized a roundtable designed to raise awareness of human trafficking and economic empowerment issues among educators and employees of an orphanage in Volno-Nadezhdinsk. Participants learned about the scope of the problem in Primorksiy Kray.

While many of those in attendance knew about human trafficking, they were surprised by its extent, especially in their own region. They learned about the factors that make many of the students in the orphanage one of the most vulnerable at-risk groups, including the lack of family ties, low self-esteem, and the need for support in decisions about their future.  The participants shared information and received suggestions for empowering students at the orphanage. Participants agreed to join forces for the development of additional training on human trafficking as well as for the development of job skills for their own students.

USAID-sponsored t-shirt sends a clear message: 'Don't Sell People'
USAID-sponsored t-shirt sends a clear message:  “Don’t Sell People”

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