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Mission Director: Janina Jaruzelski

Department of State
Washington, DC 20521-5850
Tel: 380-44-537-4600
Fax: 380-44-537-4684


Ukraine plays a key role in U.S. foreign policy objectives due to its strategic position between Europe and Eurasia and its importance for regional stability. The U.S. is committed to helping Ukraine achieve social and economic security for its citizens within a framework of democratic governance, and to help it fulfill its stated goal of joining NATO and the EU. Since 1992, USAID has devoted more than $1.6 billion to Ukraine. Today, USAID focuses on good governance, economic growth, and improving health conditions. It also works to develop public-private partnerships to leverage resources and expand the reach of its assistance.

Ukraine in Action

Ukrainian celebrities urge Ukrainian youth to use safer sex practices at a posted developed through 'Sex has to be Protected' campaignUkrainian Media Partnership Launches New Safer Sex Campaign

On November 28, 2008 the Ukrainian Media Partnership (UMP) to Combat HIV/AIDS project, supported by USAID and implemented by IREX in collaboration with Transatlantic Partners Against AIDS (TPPA)... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Workers on production lines of the Tyco plant in Ivano-Frankivsk. When the whole project is implemented, the plant's total manpower will reach 3,000 to 5,000 workers.Tyco Adds New Landmark to Ukraine's Greenfield Landscape

On December 10, 2008, a ceremony took place on the new site of Tyco Electronics Ukraine Ltd. in the Khryplyn Industrial Area of Ivano-Frankivsk... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Labor Markets

Nidiya Lushchak, chief of staff of the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast Court of Appeals demonstrates the benefits of the automated case management system.Automation Improves Efficiency, Transparency of Ukrainian Courts

Nadiya Lushchak, chief of staff of the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast Court of Appeals, knows how to effectively manage a court. But a caseload which has nearly doubled since 2002 left the judges and court administrators in her court overburdened with paperwork... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Institutional Reform, Rule of Law

A cartoon in the USAID-supported educational brochure illustrates the advantages of investing in NPFs at the beginning of one's career.Comics Draw Attention to Pension Reform

Ukraine is a country with a quickly aging population and fast growing pension burdens. According to official statistics, currently, the contributions of 100 workers support are 90 pensioners... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Institutional Reform

New Disclosure System Protects Ukraine’s Investors

USAID is funding the establishment of a new electronic disclosure system, including a web-site, to provide real-time access to the documents that public companies are required to file with the Ukrainian Securities and Stock Market State Commission (SSMSC)... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Financial Markets

An ad for a Ukrainian bank tells viewers that it is 'time to live comfortably.'Access to Mortgage Credit Expands in Ukraine

New mortgage launches by banks and a trained cadre of industry professionals will help Ukrainians buy new, comfortable houses and improve living conditions... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Financial Markets

Ukraine Central Securities Depository Under Development

The idea of setting up a Central Securities Depository (CSD) in Ukraine is finally becoming a reality. Capital market players agree that the lack of such an entity is one of the most crucial deficiencies of the local capital markets... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Financial Markets

Map of UkrainePensions and Capital Markets: Engines for Ukraine’s Economy

An aging population not only affects families that must care for their elderly parents and grandparents, it is a burden on an entire economy... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Financial Markets

Victoria, pictured at two-days old, was delivered by a HIV-positive mother in the Simferopol Maternity #2. Her future will likely be HIV free.HIV+ Mothers Deliver Healthy Babies

Fear, anger, irritation and frustration – these are but few emotional determinants attributed to most of the young mothers who discover that they are HIV-positive during their pregnancy... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Valeriy Saratov (right), Head of the Sevastopol City Council, presents Dr. Douglas Menarchik, USAID Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia, with a plaque featuring images of local landmarks.Menarchik Reviews USAID Efforts in Crimea

From September 14-16, 2008, USAID Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia Dr. Douglas Menarchik traveled to the cities of Simferopol and Sevastopol to observe USAID programming in Crimea... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health, Democracy

(From left) Alchevsk Mayor Volodymyr Choob and USAID/Ukraine Acting Mission Director Peter Argo listen to mid-term reports on the progress of the 'Partnership for the Future of Alchevsk.'Alchevsk Community Development Partnership Reports Progress

USAID and its partners supporting community development in the eastern city of Alchevsk held a conference on June 25, 2008 to review progress made over the past 10 months... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Social Programs

Ukrainian study tour participants visit a laboratory at the Environmental Health and Safety Department at the Division of Health Services, University of Cincinnati.Alchevsk Study Tour Learns Waste Management Best Practices

Ten Alchevsk residents recently returned from a U.S. tour sponsored by the USAID Community Connections Program, ready to help their hometown to implement the best waste management practices they’ve learned... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Environment

Renovated street lamps on Gagarina Street, where two schools and a kindergarten are located.Life Gets Brighter In Alchevsk

Poor street lighting is a common problem in many Ukrainian cities, including Alchevsk. It is especially felt in fall and winter, when daylight hours are limited. Elderly people tend not to go out on the street in the dark, unless it is urgent... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Energy

MDI specialists, together with Alchevsk Water Company representatives, perform instrumental measurements in the water mains.Water Company Agrees to Operations Improvement Plan

In January 2008, the Municipal Development Institute, a Ukrainian NGO and USAID implementing partner, signed an agreement with the Alchevsk City Council, the Alchevsk City Development Fund... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Infrastructure

Energy Efficiency Project Lights Up Town

Ukraine’s communal buildings are notoriously energy inefficient. As energy prices climb, outdated technology becomes an increasingly larger liability for municipal budgets... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Energy

Koryukivka Mayor Ihor Matyukha (standing) speaks at the International Conference on Local Economic Development Toolkits, organized by the USAID LED project, the Kyiv Economic Institute, and Michigan State University on March 3-4, 2008, in Kyiv. Sitting to the right of him is independent consultant Valeriy Kokot, who guided the strategic planning process in Koryukivka on behalf of the LED projectKoryukivka Reaps Benefits of Strategic Public-Private Partnership

A small town of nearly 13,500 residents in Chernihiv Oblast, Koryukivka is home to the Koryukivka Technical Paper Factory, a public corporation that claims to be Europe's largest wallpaper manufacturer... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development, Infrastructure

Strumochok Director Ilona Gudkova models a full-body apron and coffee mug displaying a St. Valentine's greeting both of which are produced and made-to-order at Social Company.Supply-Side Philanthropy: Building on the Impulse to Give

When Volodymyr Slobodonyak, an owner of a small print house in Cervonohrad, a small coal mining town in Western Ukraine, returned home from a seminar in Kiev on social entrepreneurship, he immediately approached Ilona Gudvoka... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Social Programs

Rainbow of Life developed interactive training sessions which incorporate role play, drawing, and games to generate discussion about love, relationships, sexuality, pregnancy, and HIV/AIDS among orphaned teens.Sustainable Sex Education Project Targets Orphaned Youth

Irina Mashtal and her colleagues had worked a great deal on reproductive health education for the young people in Kharkiv, Ukraine when they began to recognize that the specific needs of one group of youth remained unmet... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Educational posters to raise awareness of human trafficking provide the backdrop for a conversation between a member of NGO Volyn Perspectives and a migrant at a Ukraine border crossing checkpoint.NGOs Team Up with Border Guard Service to Combat Trafficking

USAID/Ukraine works to build and fortify existing relationships and partnerships between non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and state bodies to ensure a concerted national response to trafficking in human beings... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Rule of Law

A former drug addict, Oleh, stacks a paving block to dry in the open air prior to shipping.Diversification Promises Sustainability for Rehab Center

Return to Life, a rehabilitation center in central Ukraine, first received a grant through USAID’s Strengthening Civil Society Organizations project (USAID/UCAN) to make and sell concrete paving blocks to raise additional revenue to fund its activities... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Reintegration Support Critical for Ukrainian Trafficking Victims

While on their way home after an early evening walk in the park, two Ukrainian girls, Alisa and Natasha (names changed), were kidnapped by a trafficker, who transported them to Moscow... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Social Programs

Representatives from the Poltava Oblast Health Department and TfH discuss the Oblast Reproductive Health Program on local televisionUkraine’s Poltava Oblast Invests in Women’s Health

Over the past decade, USAID’s Together for Health (TfH) and Policy Project have been working with Ukraine’s Ministry of Health and other partners to develop and implement supportive policies and systems for improving women’s health in that country... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Visiting Nurses Improve Treatment Compliance, Offer Hope to TB Patients

Since the breakup of the Soviet Union in the early 90’s, Ukraine has experienced a rapidly growing tuberculosis (TB) epidemic, deepening year by year and exacerbated by rising rates of multi-drug resistant strains and HIV co-infection... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

A pharmacist discusses contraceptive options with two young people, played by actors (from left) Halina Huhnina, Maksym Sterlik, and Evgeniy Morhun in the film 'Plan Your Future.'NGOs Educate Teens on Family Planning Through Film, Theatre

Teenagers are notoriously tough to please. Reaching out to them with any important information, particularly regarding reproductive health and family planning, can be very challenging... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Praskovia puts the finishing touches on a handmade souvenir during a craft making class organized by The Izmail Entrepreneurship Support Fund. Sales of handmade souvenirs such as these will help Praskovia to support herself.Entrepreneurship Support Fund Builds Souvenir Businesses

Praskovia Tanova, disabled from birth, had few job prospects in her hometown of Bolgrad in southern Ukraine. Craft-making had been her lifelong hobby, but she had never considered it a viable career option... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Labor Markets

A visitor uses one of the e-government terminals installed in the Vinnytsya City Hall foyerUkrainian City Wields E-Scissors for Cutting Red Tape

The idea of implementing individual E-government elements in Vinnytsya had already been in the air for some time when USAID’s Local Economic Development project proposed to include it into the city's Economic Development Strategic Plan... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

A TU-154 jet lands on the runway at Chernivtsi International AirportReform Project Helps Chernivtsi Take Off

Chernivtsi International Airport is both a source of pride and problems for its namesake city. The airfield was built back in 1933; and although the runway was renovated in the mid-1980s, modernization of the airport is long overdue... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Infrastructure

Mariya Duda (left) with her iron 'assistant'Budget Reforms Helps Luhansk Keep Clean

What could be more irritating than litter on the streets of your native city, especially if you have spent your lifetime trying to clean it up? “It is just impossible to win this battle all by oneself,” said Mariya Duda shrugging her shoulders... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Infrastructure

A volunteer explains in Lisichansk (Luhansk oblast) explain SIDS prevention actions during SIDS Prevention Campaign in September 2007SIDS Campaigns Save Lives in Ukraine

Alyona still shivers with fear when she recalls seeing her daughter lying face down, motionless in her bed.  “She was an absolutely healthy child, and I left her unattended for just five minutes,”... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Roman Savka during training in GeorgiaUkrainian Trainers Receive International Recognition

Obstetrician Roman Savka and three other Urainian health care providers—midwife Lubov Polyakova and neonatologists Natalia Podolchak and Dmytro Dobryansky—master trainers for effective evidence-based perinatal technologies... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Baby Bohdan prepares to go home with his fatherNICU Training Helps Ukrainian Doctors Save 17 oz. Infant

At just over a pound, few expected newborn Bohdan to survive. His mother, Alyona arrived at the Zhytomyr Maternity Hospital after her water had broken and gave birth soon after... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

USAID Assistant Administrator Menarchik (left) delivers medical equipment critical for treatment of mine explosion victims to Dr. Yevgeniy Hladchuk (right) of Donestk Occupational Diseases Hospital in UkraineUSAID Responds to Donetsk Mine Disaster

USAID Assistant Administrator Doug Menarchik handed over badly-needed equipment to the Donetsk Occupational Disease Hospital on December 1, 2007 to help dozens of miners in the aftermath of Ukraine’s worst-ever mine disaster... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Ruslan Svirsky, InvestInRivne Deputy Director and one of the first graduates of the LED project's training program for FDI professionalsWillingness to Pay for Development Signals Sustainability

Sustainability is the ultimate goal of any technical assistance project. There are various criteria to determine whether a project has been able to survive without USAID or other donor funding... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Ukrainian musicians rocked the Ukraina Palace at a concert to support PLWHMedia, Entertainment Industries Unite for HIV/AIDS Gala

On World AIDS Day 2007, Ukraine’s top celebrities united for two dynamic events, a nationally-broadcasted “StopAIDS” telethon and the SOSstradenie (Compassion) charitable gala-concert at the Ukraina Palace in Kyiv... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Anna Z. with her foster daughtersUkraine’s HIV+ Children Find Loving Homes

Nastya, 8, and Lena, 6, have life stories similar to that of many HIV-positive kids. Both girls had been abandoned in maternity hospitals right after birth; both subsequently remained in the hospital for almost a year... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

A girl participates in an Easter egg-painting workshopYoung Artists Raise Funds for Pediatric HIV Services

Over 500 young and professional artists and talented children donated works for Ukraine’s two-day “Youth Art Against AIDS” exhibition-auction in December 2007... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

More than 1,000 students and professors took a voluntary test to determine their HIV status as a result of the 2007 World AIDS Day 'Test for HIV in Your University' campaign in Kyiv, UkraineCampaign Urges Ukrainian Students to Get HIV Tested

Eight leading Kyiv-based universities, 300 volunteers, and more than 50,000 students took part in the “Test for HIV in Your University” event in honor of World AIDS Day 2007... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Kids discover new toys and games at Liniya Zhyttya, while their HIV+ mothers attend support group, seek medical care, or interview for workUSAID Funds Day Care for HIV+ Kids

Liniya Zhyttya (Life Line), the sole HIV service organization in Ukraine’s Gorlovka, Donetsk oblast, works to provide support and services to various groups affected by HIV/AIDS, including mothers with young children... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Dora Turula (front left), a CNFA volunteer, with Dovira loan officersAmerican Volunteers Boost Rural Lending in Ukraine

Ukraine’s growing number of private farmers and small-plot holders face difficulties accessing credit to start or expand their farming businesses. Most commercial banks avoid lending to small agricultural enterprises due to their inability to provide collateral... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Financial Markets

Director Earl Gast presents a Program graduate with Certified Leasing Specialist certificateSpecialist Certification Stimulates Development of Leasing in Ukraine

Ukraine’s leasing industry is experiencing strong growth on a percentage basis, but the amount of lease financing is still very low compared to other countries. In 2005, of all investment in fixed assets in Ukraine, less than two percent was financed through leasing... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Education

Yuriy Kamenetskiy, Director of Investment Department of Ukrgazbank, shares the success story of pilot mortgage covered bondsUkraine Creates Secondary Mortgage Market

Experts view the creation of a secondary mortgage market to be a major objective for development of Ukraine’s financial system. The successful placement of Ukrgazbank’s pilot mortgage covered bond... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Financial Markets

Yevhen Nevmerzhytsky, Director of CreditInfo-Ukraine and Antonina Palamarchuk, Director General of the First National Bureau of Credit Histories strike the dealCredit Bureaus Push Market Development in Ukraine

With the Ukrainian economy booming, income levels rising and the banking sector becoming more advanced, more and more Ukrainians are taking bank loans to buy a house or start a business... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Financial Markets

An aerial view of Lviv's historic Market SquareMunicipal Bonds Raise Development Funds for Ukraine's Cities

Ukraine’s cities need massive amounts of investment to modernize their infrastructure, and municipal bonds provide the means to help them attract long-term capital. In late 2004, the USAID-funded Access to Credit Initiative (ATCI) began working with selected cities... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukrarine, Infrastructure

Vika (left) enjoys oxygen foam treatment in the health classNew Budget Foresees More Cares about Children

Vika, a second grade pupil at Secondary School No. 22 in Pavlohrad, Ukraine has been fascinated by the accomplishments of the Olympic champion swimmer Yana Klochkova since she was very small... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Mykola and Sashko at the backyardRelief Nursery Helps Ukrainian Families at Risk

Sashko, age 6, can count, knows the alphabet, and can write his first and last names. But he is eager to learn more and looks forward to starting school this September... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Social Programs

MAMA+ helped Irina and Nikolai establish closer ties with their childrenUSAID’s MAMA+ Program Preserves Families in Ukraine

Irina, 28, learned that she was HIV-positive last spring, in her fourth month of pregnancy. She received a post-test consultation at a women’s health clinic and was informed of the ramifications of the virus for both herself and her future baby... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Bound to be togetherPerinatal Technologies Enhance Maternal Instinct

Hanna Kulbyaka had made up her mind not to keep her baby even before she had delivered. She was young and single with no one to help her, and thought that she would not be able to properly care for a child... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

At the presentation of a pilot covered bond issueUkraine Enters the Covered Bond Market

Experts view the creation of the secondary mortgage market to be a major objective for development of Ukraine’s financial system. The successful placement of Ukrgazbank’s pilot mortgage covered bond... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Financial Markets

The 'Mobility for Everybody' project works to create a socially accepting and physically accessible environment for Ukrainians with special needsDisabled Woman Fights to Remove Barriers in Ukraine

For seven years now, Anna Harchenko has used a wheelchair to get around in her native town of Cherkasy. At the age of 15, Anna fell and injured her spine while riding a horse... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Infrastructure

Ukrainian Maternity Hospitals Successfully Implement Active Management of Third Stage of LaborEvidence-Based Practices Save Mothers Lives

Maria Kovalenko was very concerned about how she would deliver her second baby, after nearly dying five years ago as a result of postpartum bleeding when her first son was born... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Over the course of the past 18 months, the MAMA+ Project has helped 153 children born to HIV-positive mothers stay with their families and receive needed support. Four children born to and initially abandoned by HIV-positive mothers have been successfully reunited with their biological familiesMAMA+ Brings Children Home

Svitlana’s parents divorced when she was three. Although her mother eventually remarried, Svitlana’s relationship with her stepfather was tense throughout her childhood. After completing the 9th grade, Svitlana left home to begin her own life... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

An aerial view of Khortytsia IslandCitizens Improve Communities While Protecting Their Heritage

Valentyna Opilat, a pensioner from Sadivniche district on Khortytsya Island, a nature reserve located in the center of Zaporizhia, recently installed gas heating in her home... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

WETI volunteers, biology students from a nearby university, take soil samples near a cracked container to test for pesticidesEnvironmental Pollutants Finally Marked for Removal

For Stepan Vasylechko, head of the Syanky Village Council, December 2006 was the moment he tasted victory. After six years of struggle, it was finally decided at that time that 13 tons of unusable hazardous pesticides... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Environment

Carolers performing Malanka, the traditional New Year's skit, on Andriyvsky UzvizAdvocacy in Action: Saving Andriyivsky Izviz

Carolers wearing Ukrainian national costumes visited each and every house on Andriyivsky Uzviz on January 20 to wish residents good fortune and prosperity in the New Year... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Infrastructure

A lawyer from the Volyn Protection Association consults with an incarcerated minorVolyn NGO instills Civic Oversight of Ukraine’s Criminal Law Process

Last year, high-school student Roman Danylchuk, 17, was accused of aggravated robbery. Allegedly, he and a friend assaulted another minor and took his cell phone in the process... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Rule of Law

In Kherson, one of Ukraine's first one-stop shopsOne-Stop Shops Demonstrate Enduring Success

One of the goals of USAID’s BIZPRO project has been to support the development of permit-issuing one-stop shops (OSS) for businesses. From 2004 to 2006, BIZPRO helped open 41 one-stop shops in cities across Ukraine... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Institutional Reform

A Lviv Branch of ProCredit BankProviding the Means for Private Entrepreneurship

Strolling past the large number of shops and restaurants in downtown Kyiv, one can’t help but be amazed at how business has boomed in the last couple years... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Financial Markets

The Svitlovodsk SKLO delegation returned from the 2006 Tendence Lifestyle Trade Fair with $1 million in new ordersTargeted Strategy Leads to Sparkling Success

Ukraine’s glass industry may be on the verge of a dynamic new chapter in its development if the results achieved by one major glass producer at a recent European trade fair are any indication... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Earl Gast presents a certificate to a course graduateNewly Certified Professionals to Develop Leasing in Ukraine

On November 30, 26 individuals were recognized for passing a series of examinations and satisfying the requirements to become Certified Leasing Professionals... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Education

Petro Fedyna, head of 'Agrodvir', a farmers cooperative in Lviv Oblast, and an AMP clientAnnual Conference Bears Fruit for Farmers

The 3rd Annual Fruits and Vegetables Conference and Exhibition, sponsored by USAID’s Agricultural Marketing Project (AMP), was held in Kyiv on December 5-6... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Volodymyr Makukha (left), Ukraine’s Minister of the Economy, and Drew Luten (right), USAID's Acting Assistant Administrator for Europe & Eurasia, congratulate one another upon the signing of the $45 million Millennium Challenge Corporation Threshold agreementUkraine Signs On to MCC Threshold Program to Control Corruption

Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych marked his first U.S. visit by entering into a landmark agreement aimed at reducing corruption. On December 4, Prime Minister Yanukovych and U.S. Ambassador John Danilovich... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Ukraine Develops Non-State Pension Funds

Seeking to become a member of the world community, Ukraine has been adopting successful practices of developed economies first evidenced by the passage of the “On Non-State Pension Provision” law in 2004... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Financial Markets

Oleksandr and Antonina, employees of Cherkasy regional department of the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDSUkrainians Put a Face on HIV

Antonina works as a press-secretary in the Cherkasy regional department of the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH), where Oleksandr works as a social worker... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

IRD volunteers at the World AIDS Memorial Day street campaign, May 21, 2006Engaging Communities to Fight Stigma, Discrimination

Ukraine is a young country that has inherited many old stereotypes and prejudices after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. One is the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Red RibbonUSAID Helps to Find Homes for HIV+ Children

Tania, 10, a sensitive and lovely girl with curly hair, dreams of becoming a dancer. Another life-long dream of hers–having a family–was recently realized, thanks to the USAID-funded Families for Children Program... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

On her second birthday, Nastya, with her grandmother, prepares to go home for the first timeUSAID Reunites HIV+ Mother with Child

Lena, 31, lived in a small village of Blizhnee near Simferopol with her husband, 12-year-old daughter Katyusha and 10-year-old son Ihor. Life was not easy; her husband was an alcoholic who had turned to injecting drugs as well... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

The graph reflects the increase of elective cesarean deliveries among HIV-positive women in Donetsk and Simferopol between 2005 and 2006Increased Elective C-Sections Decreases HIV Transmission in Ukraine

In the postpartum ward of Simferopol Maternity Hospital N. 2, Viktor helps his wife, Natalia, (names changed) to care for their baby boy. Viktor and Natalia, both HIV-positive, were referred to the Simferopol Maternity Hospital... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

With USAID support, ABA/CEELI has delivered countless professional skills training workshops, like this November session for the Volyn Legal Aid Clinic in LutskUSAID, ABA/CEELI Provides Legal Aid to Thousands

Clinical legal education provides law students with practical experience to complement their classroom education. It is also a much needed source of free legal information and assistance... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Education

Milaniya Achkasova thanks a volunteer for much-needed food she received during the holidays last yearPublic-Private Partnership Feeds Ukraine’s Needy Seniors

Milaniya Achkasova celebrated her 83rd birthday last January. After working for 40 years at a local factory in the city of Kharkiv, she has been retired for about 15 years... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Social Programs

Anti-trafficking image presents a simple message: People are not a commodityUSAID, IOM Provide Assistance to Enslaved Sailors

Trafficking is not just a young woman’s problem. Men, too, are often forced to labor in construction and agriculture. In 2006, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) provided reintegration assistance... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Social Programs

IOM Counter-Trafficking poster warning Ukrainians about the dangers of falling prey to traffickers by featuring a passport stamped with the word 'SOLD'Prevention Effort Thwarts Trafficking in Women

Mila, a divorced mother, worked in a Zhytomyr city hospital. On her modest physician’s salary, she supported her 10-year-old daughter and elderly parents. Her income was so small that she barely could make ends meet... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Social Programs

Halyna Kravets receives a Civil Society Award from Minister of Family, Youth and Sports' Yuriy Pavlenko at the 2005 IOM Annual Awards CeremonyUkrainian NGOs Work to Halt Human Slavery

Over the last few years, counter-trafficking efforts in Ukraine have yielded significant results, including increasing assistance to those affected by this crime... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Social Programs

Representatives of Oblast Health Authorities pin yellow-and-blue ribbons to the Commitment Banner to show their commitment to implementing effective perinatal practices in their regions during MIHP Dissemination Conference in September 2006Ukraine to Roll-Out International Perinatal Practices

The USAID Mission in Ukraine is expected to sign a new contract with John Snow Inc. to roll-out international mother and infant care practices nationwide... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Father Andriy Pinchuk expresses his thanks after receiving an IOM Counter-Trafficking AwardClergy Joins Fight Against Human Trafficking

Religious organizations, considered to be among the most sustainable and influential social institutions in Ukraine, are one of the key links in the powerful chain that links international anti-trafficking efforts... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Social Programs

A flight attendant in the PSA warns: 'Please be careful as you may in fact be walking into a trap where you will be forced into slavery and prostitution... You may be stripped of your passport and forced to work for long hours without pay'Rocking Against Human Slavery

Last year, Ukrainians walking down Khreschatyk in Kyiv could see posters of Slava Vakarchuk, front man for the popular rock group, Okean Elzy, addressing a burning social issue: the fight against human slavery... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Education

An apparel factory worker applies new standards in practiceCommon Standards Bring Industry Together

In industry, adhering to standards means getting the service or product exactly as you expected it.  Not so long ago, when a company placed an order with Ukrainian apparel factory... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

The Select Black Sea team negotiates with potential business partners at Ukraine's booth at the recent Seatrade Cruise Shipping Convention in MiamiCruise Ship Tourism Returns to Ukraine

When a cruise ship visits a port, it means money. The boat’s passengers spend their cash in the port and its owners buy local port services... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

A poster of Vyacheslav Vakarchuk, an Okean Elzy front man, urges youth to get more information before traveling abroadHotline Helps Local Woman Protect Herself

Lyudmyla, a second-year law student, attended a seminar on trafficking in persons held at her university. During the workshop, the organizers – the Rivne-based NGO, Chayka... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Social Programs

Nikolay Choropita shows Crimean table grapes bunchesFrom Banana Boxes to Brand Recognition

Produce brand names often arise from the region where the commodity being branded is produced. Such is the case with Crimean table grapes, which enjoy brand recognition with Ukrainians... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Elleana Fall-Winter Collection at the Made in Ukraine: Trademark DefileUkraine Fashion Event Gathers Designers, Manufacturers

What Westerners consider a fashion industry – creative designers, skilled manufacturers who translate their visions into well-made clothes, and a developed distribution network – didn’t exist in Ukraine for a long time... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Larissa Kazachenko, with her husband (right) and Mr. Maxi Gainza, a member of the elite British Air Squadron Club, during the Crimea vintage planes exhibition, as a part of 150th anniversary of the Crimean War commemoration (2005)Ukrainian Tourism Says Goodbye to the Dead Season

Larissa Kazachenko is a successful business woman with 15 years of experience in the tourism business. Her agency, Southern Tour, opened in 1996, specializes in cultural and historic tourism... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Children of kindergarten #41 in Zhytomyr enjoy art class sitting on new chairsUkrainian Kindergartens Receive New Chairs

A town does not always need hundreds of thousands of dollars to fix a problem. The first step in finding a solution, however, is to identify the problem... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Children play in the Dzvinochok Preschool playgroundRural Councils Find Solutions for Local Problems

Until recently, single mother Oksana Moskalyuk had to choose between finding a job outside of her village of Gostiv or staying home to care for her four-year-old, Alina... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Infrastructure

Hilfe volunteers deliver boxes with humanitarian assistance to needy ChernivtsiresidentsCity Council Partners with Civil Society Organizations to Address Urgent Needs

Hilfe is a non-profit CSO that fights poverty and has been helping Chernivtsi’s needy residents for 15 years. Every year it has received 25 tons of humanitarian aid from a German charity organization... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Newly-elected Kovel Mayor Serhiy Kosharuk (left) with his predecessor Yaroslav Shevchuk (right) during a Strategic Planning Committee meeting session six months prior to Kosharuk's electionCommunity-Based Approach Brings Consistency to Local Development

Municipal governments come and go, and plans, programs and strategies elaborated by predecessors also often disappear with the wind of elections... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Public hearing in the city of BerdyanskCitizens Help to Reform Communal Services

Many city residents in Ukraine still do not realize that it is ultimately they who own and are responsible for communal service enterprises (CSEs)—water, wastewater and heat enterprises... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Zhytomyr's new ambulances are always available to respond to emergenciesNew Ambulances Save Lives in Zhytomyr

Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Zhytomyr’s emergency response system has been in decline. The quality of medical services gradually deteriorated as money to buy new equipment or upgrade poorly kept facilities disappeared... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Chop's Mayor Volodymyr Gorynetsky demonstrates strategic map of the city to MBR specialistsMunicipalities Plan for the Future: Chop’s Residents Get Clear Water

Water had been a serious problem for Chop for quite some time. Galyna Petrivna, who has lived in the town for the last 40 years, says that not so long ago she could not have been sure... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Located on the Dniepr River, Zaporozhye produces more than half of Ukraine's stainless steel and ball bearings, a third of its cold-rolled steel sheets, and about half of its transformersSocial Partnership Looks to Replicate Russian Success in Ukraine

From June 14th – 16th, representatives from USAID/Russia, USAID/Ukraine, and from USAID/Russia’s implementing partners participated in the annual meeting of the Coordination Council on Social Partnership of the SUAL Company... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Ukraine, Business Development

A new father warms his baby through skin-to-skin contact while his wife recovers from a Caesarean deliveryBonding with Dad Can Be a Lifesaver for Ukrainian Newborns

Oleh would have never predicted that he would one day perform a function that until recently was attributed to mothers... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Student performers from Makiyivka's Oppressed Theater take their message to the streetsInnovative Theater Program Teaches Tolerance

“You always have to be difficult! When it comes to collecting money for an exam, your mother is unavailable. She has money to buy you mini skirts, but never for flowers for the teacher!”... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Education

Thanks to MAMA+, this baby boy will go home with his biological familyMAMA+ Helps Reduce Child Abandonment By Mothers Living with HIV

Anna, age 20, discovered her HIV-positive status in the eighth month of her pregnancy. An orphan without close relatives to help her, she was depressed, upset and scared... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

A drawing by a young victim of trafficking, done in Kyiv Medical Rehabilitation CenterUkrainian Girl Rescues Self, Then Siblings From Slavery

Halyna (name changed), 11, lived with her younger brother and sister along with their alcoholic mother and stepfather in a small city in Vynnytsya Oblast... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Social Programs

Kyiv Oblast Governor Y. Zhovtiak issues State Act during titling ceremony in March 2006. More than one million Ukrainian villagers have received ownership of land plots through USAID supportState Committee Issues Order to Protect Villagers’ Rights and Pocketbooks

On March 27, the new Head of Ukraine’s State Committee on Land Resources (DKZ), Mykola Sydorenko issued an order that clearly establishes that citizens should not pay fees for the registration of land titles... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Institutional Reform

Production process at KashtanTextile Sector Reaps Benefits of Cooperation

For many Ukrainian apparel manufacturers, assembling clothes for foreign companies under a “cut-and-make” scheme is a way to survive while their own brands develop... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Deputy Governor of Zhytomyr Iryna Synavskaya opens a training seminar for press offices of oblast governorsMedia as a Link Between Government and Citizens

Results of focus groups that the International Republican Institute conducted last fall determined that many Ukrainians were either unaware or misinformed about reforms... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Olena Kochubynska (right) prepares to go on airUkrainian Villagers Learn Land Rights through Public Education Program

While the USAID-supported Land Titling Initiative Project (ULTI) is about giving villagers title to land, the process is not simply about doing a quick bureaucratic shuffle and filling out a certificate... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Education

AI brochures and posters produced by UREPInformed Ukrainians Protect Their Families from Avian Flu

When Avian Flu (AI) appeared in Ukraine in December 2005, Ukraine came face to face with a virus with global implications along with the agricultural and economic losses that coincide with controlling it... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

A Kherson resident reads a fresh issue of VgoruNGO Newspaper Safeguards Ukrainians’ Rights

At the top of the front page of the newspaper Vgoru (Upward), one finds the ambitious motto “high journalism.”... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

AMP specialists demonstrate Farm Business Model to Serhiy Panchenko, (right), a table grape grower from Odesa OblastSome Find Farm Business Model Best Tool for Success

Failing to plan is planning to fail” is a popular saying. Unfortunately, many tradition-bound farmers in Ukraine have never paid much attention to planning... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Oleg Stoyanov, Loan Specialist, (left) consults a new client-farmerUkrainian Farmers Learn to Master Loans

If you have never applied for a loan, it is probably only a matter of time before you do. Personal and commercial bank loans, commonly used by most everybody in the United States and Europe... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Aerial photo of the Sasyk EstuarySasyk Estuary Experiences “Rebirth,” Thanks to Ukrainian NGO

“During Soviet times, one had two things to fear – militarization and meliorism.” This bitter joke comes from Iryna Vykhrystiuk, leader of Vidrodzhennya (Rebirth)... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Environment

A bar similar to the place Lena once workedLocal NGO Helps Trafficked Woman Readjust

Life can change dramatically and in unexpected ways, just ask Lena from Vinnytsia. In 2004, Lena was working as a bartender when she agreed to a radical change of unemployment to assuage her boss... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Social Programs

A TV Crew interviews an environmental activist at a garbage dump in Lviv OblastProtecting the Carpathian Mountains

The Carpathian Mountains are a unique 1,500-kilometer ecosystem stretching across seven European countries, including Ukraine... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Enviroment

'Iron Lady' Lyudmyla Sobol and associate check the cabbage cropSuccess in Business Breeds Success in Community Service

The name “Lyudmyla” can be translated from Ukrainian as a one who is “dear to people.”  Lyudmila Sobol from Khudyaki village, Cherkasy oblast, mirrors the name fully... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Natalya Ligachova, a media expert and the founder of TelekritikaIndependent Media Projects Support Watchdogs of Democracy

Since 2001, the Web-based media outlet Telekritika has reported on current Ukrainian media trends and provided in-depth analysis and critical assessment of Ukrainian TV and radio program content... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Olena Yurchenko, a volunteer for the Anti-Cancer CorpsBreast Cancer Survivor Offers Hope, Education for Ukrainian Women

Young, beautiful, cheerful, vibrant and energetic – that’s how people describe Olena Yurchenko, a volunteer at the “Women’s Health and Family Planning” Charity Fund... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Photo exhibition challenges attitudes toward those living with HIV/AIDS“Just Look Into The Eyes” Promotes HIV/AIDS Awareness in Crimea

Understanding that it is impossible to fight AIDS unless people first learn to understand and support those who live with HIV/AIDS, a group of activists organized an unusual photo exhibition in Symferopol, Crimea, for World AIDS Day... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

An HIV-positive mother practices cap-feeding her infantAdjusting to Motherhood and Living with HIV

For Viktoriya, 24, who lives in the village of Volnovaha outside Donetsk, Ukraine, the last year has been an emotional roller coaster ride of joy and trauma... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Fish processing at Breeze Ltd.Ukrainian Breeze Ready to Blow into the EU Market

As Ukraine prepares to enter the World Trade Organization global trade market, Ukrainian food processors must meet a key export precondition to ensure the safety of the food they process to compete effectively.... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

CerealiaUkraine Ltd. has been tapped by both McDonald's and Kraft FoodsAdoption of New Standards Helps Cerealia Attract Major Global Food Producers

Cerealia Ukraine Ltd., a member of Cerealia Group Corp., processes and promotes cereal food products. In 1991, the plant made the transition to modern technologies... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

A group of physically impaired grills sausagesUkrainians with Disabilities Fight for Rights

According to European statistics, handicapped people generally constitute from 8% to 12% of a society’s population... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Social Programs

Farmer Viktor Poleshchuk tends his flockFree Legal Consultation Yields Privatized Land for Ukraine’s Farmers

At least half of the 3,000 registered farmers in Ukraine’s Kherson region have heard of Viktor Poleshchuk. Poleschchuk was the first farmer in the region to privatize arid and sandy land instead of fertile chornozem land... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Children enjoy the playground that replaced the garbage dump near the Boston cooperativeUkraine’s Co-Op Associations Access Free Legal, Management Advice from USAID-Supported Consulting Center

Although her life had not been easy, Marfa Trykashyna, a single retired woman, has always relied only on herself. Until she was 64 years of age, she resided in a dormitory... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Rule of Law

Poster challenges Odesa's students: Youth Council awaits youYouth Council Takes Part in Odesa City Policymaking

Young people in Odesa are much like their counterparts elsewhere: they study, work, play sports, and hang out with their friends... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Media Executives Commit to AIDS Awareness TV Spots in Russia and Ukraine

In a meeting last week in Moscow, Media Executives from Russia and Ukraine bolstered their commitment to fight HIV/AIDS in their countries using their strong public/private sector image and identity... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Ukraine, Health

Stop trafficking in human beingsLooking to the Future, Anna Puts Her Ordeal Behind Her

Anna* comes across as a pleasant and talkative young Ukrainian woman. She willingly tells you about her family and her present job... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Rule of Law

Dr. Skripka practices counseling skills at voluntary counseling and testing trainingUkrainian Doctor Learns to Answer the Tough HIV/AIDS Questions

Dr. Antonina Skripka has directed the Mykolayiv Antenatal Clinic No.2 for 21 years and has been a doctor for 30... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Mothers treated equally at Symferopol Maternity Hospital No. 2Eliminating HIV Status as a Barrier to Quality Care for New Mothers

Natalia G. discusses baby care with Larissa P. as they share a meal in the Symferopol Maternity Hospital No. 2 cafeteria... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

Drew Luten, USAID Acting Assistant AdministratorCPP Conference Celebrates Accomplishments and Looks to the Future

The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation’s Community Partnerships Project (CPP) celebrated its accomplishments and looked to the future of the project and of Ukraine at its recent U.S. conference... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

E&E Senior Deputy Administrator Drew Luten distributes land titles at a ceremony held by the Malyn village councilUkraine Land Titling Initiative Boosts Private Property Ownership

Nearly 600 citizens gathered at the Liubovytska Village Rada, located in Malyn raion (district), on June 29, 2005 to receive Land Share Certificates for the right to ownership of land parcels... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Institutional Reform

A Rukavychka customer picks fresh produceA Wholesaler of Frozen Food Goes Fresh

Oksana Bondarivs’ka, 42, a vegetarian, had always had problems finding fresh quality produce in her district. Although there was a small bazaar right across the street and several small retailers... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

A Sensus shop displays the 2005 spring-summer collectionUkrainian Clothing Brand Success Paves the Way to Russia

On average, a Ukrainian clothing manufacturer works under a “cut-and-make scheme,” earning about 30 cents for each piece of clothing it produces... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Stanislav Sych and his new aid: ULTI Magazine 'Land Privatization: Law Practice, Problems'Legal Aid Center Helps Farmer Start Business

Stanislav Sych, a miller from Nykyforivtsi Village of Vinnytsia Oblast, inherited 3 hectares of land. He did not have much farm experience and wanted to lease out his new parcel... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Maria Yarmakova and husband Nikolai with their newborn sonHusband Casts Ukrainian Tradition Aside and Helps Deliver Son

It wasn’t easy getting Nikolai Yarmakov to take part in the birth of his son. Within much of Ukrainian society a lingering attitude exists that a man does not do “female tasks” like making the bed... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Social Programs

Yaroslav Dzhumalo, director of Svitlovodsk glass factory SKLO, and Svitlovodsk vase collectionUkrainian Glass Sparkles in its Debut at the World’s Premier Home Furnishings Show

While the glass-making tradition in Ukraine does not compare to the Czech Republic, where the Czechs have practiced the craft since at least the 12th century... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Volodymyr Zaitsev, the owner of 'Chipolino' TM, Odesa, checks AMP website three times per dayInternet as New “Market” To Sell Farmers’ Produce

About a year ago, Yaroslav Mayovets, a farmer from western Ukraine, faced a difficult marketing dilemma. He had a great carrot harvest, but so had many of the farmers in his region... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

USAID Administrator Natsios (r.) congratulates Earl Gast (l.), the newly-installed Mission Director for the USAID Regional Mission in Ukraine USAID Swears in New Director for Regional Mission in Ukraine

The Administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Andrew S. Natsios, today swore in Earl W. Gast as Mission Director for the USAID Regional Mission in Ukraine... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine

The Swallow's Nest, a popular tourist destination in Crimea Saving the 2005 Tourist Season in Ukraine

In March 2005, Ukrainian tour operators and tour agents were astonished to learn that the latest amendments to the State Budget law would introduce VAT (value added tax) on inbound tourism services... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Oleksandr Potylchak, Justice of the Ukrainian Supreme Court and 2004 Open World alum greets the U.S. delegates at the Court entrance (from left:  Mihm, Magnuson, Potylchak, Bierman and Madanick) Kiev Visit a “Great Adventure and Significant Success” for Furthering U.S. – Ukraine Rule of Law Programming and Professional Exchanges

In late May, an American delegation coordinated by E&E Chief of Staff Brock Bierman set out for Ukraine with the vision of developing a judicial exchange program based on a model... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Rule of Law

Assistance for Victims of Trafficking Restores Hope and Lives in Ukraine

Like many victims of trafficking, Iryna* left Ukraine looking for work to support her family. Despite having an economics degree, she was unable to find full-time employment... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Health

CSE employee monitors water flow in new pumping stationReform of Municipal Communal Services Enterprises in Ukraine

Before the Ukrainian city of Kalush finally received assistance to modernize its outdated water supply system, a school child would often not be able to obtain a drink of water between classes at any one of the city’s schools... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Mykola ChumakA Farmer Gains Profit by Signing Contracts with Supermarket Chains

Mykola Chumak, a Crimean farmer for 14 years, views the year 2004 as his most successful year for crops, profits and business contracts... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Kateryna Pozdnyakova and husband, Volodymyr, with their newborn childThe Parenthood School makes Delivery a “Man’s Business,” Too

Traditionally in Ukraine, women virtually bear sole responsibility for their pregnancy, delivery, and sometimes, even upbringing of their children. Many children only begin to receive their father’s care... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Social Programs

A woman in her bakery Business Training Helps Ukrainian Woman Realize Dreams

Makiyivka, Donetsk oblast, Ukraine - Victoria Nikitina worked as a processing engineer of bakery production at a state baker’s plant for 20 years until she saw a newspaper announcement about business training... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Agricultural Marketing Project members present a sorting machine to the Executive Director of Sviatylivka cooperative, Tetiana Strashnenko USAID-backed Programs Work To Improve Profits and Distribution Channels for Farming Cooperative in Rural Ukraine

Currently, the fruit and vegetable sector in Ukraine is comprised mainly of small plot farmers who depend on marketing their produce, including cucumbers in the fresh, local markets... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Orchard Farm Orchard Growers Association Helps Members Expand Sales From Local Markets to Supermarket

Assisted by Agricultural Marketing Project, an Association member Mykola Olijnyk, finds new marketing possibilities and sells 82 tons of apples to Cherkasy supermarkets... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Brock Bierman is introduced to speak Volunteerism Central Message of US-Ukraine Foundation Address

In his keynote speech to over 250 members of the Sister Cities International U.S.-Ukraine Forum, USAID Bureau for Europe and Eurasia Chief of Staff Brock Bierman spoke about the importance of international volunteerism ... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Demonstration of new technologyWestern NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF) Introduces Energy Efficient Technologies to Ukrainian Industry

WNISEF’s investment in Energy Alliance has made it possible for Ukrainian enterprises to access energy efficiency solutions which considerably reduce their energy costs and thus make Ukrainian products more competitive... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Energy

Farm Produce packagedA Catalyst Approach to a Farm Cooperative’s Success in Halaidovo Village

Forming cooperatives according to western principles has not been easy in Ukraine. Attitudes and idealism left over from the old collective agriculture system still pervade... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

PotatoesKhmelnytsky Farmers Make Profit by Growing Elite Potato Seed

Until recently, Ukrainian farmers and house plot owners (HPOs) grew potatoes using old traditional methods and backward technologies, mostly for their home consumption... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Market Information Journal covers Market Information (MI) Journal Makes a Large Impact During Its First Year

Ukraine has long been known for its substantial share of the most fertile land in the world. Twenty-four percent of 22.5 million of the Ukrainian workforce work in the agricultural sector... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

Farm Stand The Agricultural Marketing Project in Ukraine Helps Farmers Identify New Distribution Channels

The Agricultural Marketing Project (AMP) is currently working on ways to assist farmers in identifying, marketing, and better distributing their produce to increase incomes, lower expenses... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development

E&E Deputy Assistant Administrator keynote luncheon addressReplicability and Sustainability in U.S.-Ukraine Partnerships
U.S.-Ukraine Foundation's Community Partnership Program

The E&E Deputy Assistant Administrator gave the keynote luncheon address July 23 in St. Louis at the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation's conference on Replicability and Sustainability in U.S.-Ukraine Partnerships. The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation's Community Partnership Program (CPP), funded by E&E since 1997, currently supports partnerships between 14 U.S. and 14 Ukrainian medium-sized cities and focuses on strengthening local government and promoting citizens' participation at the grassroots level. Read More...

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