RSV/PreemieCare Articles/Resources

Preemiecare newsletter

PreemieCare Spotlight Community Support Groups
We are in the process of gathering stories and articles from support groups on many topics including: dads and preemies, working with insurance companies, and more. If your group has information that you think would be helpful to other families across the globe please submit it to and it will be considered for inclusion with our PreemieCare Spotlight!

Resources and Related Links
Preemie Parenting Resources, Web Site Resource Links- Topcis include:
Insurance Information, Infertility, Pregnancy Info and Support, Manufacturers of Products for Infants & Pregnancy, Multiple Birth Organizations, Parenting/Family Information, Medical Information and Special Issues, MOST Recommended Website Articles

NICU Notebook Glossary: This glossary has been reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: from Your Premature Baby by Frank P Manginello, MD and Theresa Foy Dd3eronimo, M.Ed. available for purchase

RSV Information:

Past MOST RSV Campaigns: '04-'05 | '03-'04 | 01 -'02 | 2000-'01 | 1999-2000

Weight Conversion Chart
In the NICU you will often times be told you baby’s weight in grams vs. pounds and ounces. In order to make it easier for you and your family and friends to quickly and easily convert the grams to pounds and ounces you can use this conversion chart.

Apgar Scores:
The very first test given to your newborn, the Apgar score, occurs right after your baby's birth in the delivery or birthing room. The test was designed to quickly evaluate a newborn's physical condition after delivery, and to determine any immediate need for extra medical or emergency care.

Although the Apgar score was developed in 1952 by an anesthesiologist named Virginia Apgar, you may have also heard it referred to as an acronym for: Activity, Pulse, Grimace, Appearance, and Respiration.

The Apgar test is always given to your baby a minimum of 2 times: once at 1 minute after birth, and again at 5 minutes after birth. Rarely - if there are serious problems with the baby's condition and the first two scores are low - the test may be scored for a third time at 10 minutes after birth.

To learn more about this topic:

Taking Care of Preemies
What have you found to be of help when visiting your health care provider?

Tips From Dads

Helping Families Overcome Postpartum Depression (PPD)
Fathers Coordinator: David Klinker Phone: 408 268-1098 - Addressing the needs of men whose wives suffer from PPD.


Frequently Asked Questions about Prematurity and Early Intervention
(The completed list is in the Early Intervention and the Higher Order Multiple Birth Families Parenting Package available in the MOST General Store)

Frequently Asked Questions about


(The completed list is in the Breast Feeding Triplets, Quadruplets, & Quintuplets (TQQ) Parenting Package available in the MOST General Store )


  • Tips for Communicating with your Insurance Company and your employer

You have the power to pursue all available ways to obtain appropriate coverage through your health plan. Taking charge of your health care needs, being familiar with your benefits, and communicating with your plan and employer give you the best opportunity to obtain coverage of appropriate and necessary medical care. How to appeal a decision from your insurance company

Additional Information Regarding Insurance Companies

Help for High Out of Pocket Cost- Insured but not enough?
The Patient Access Network Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to improving access to needed health services for insured patients who cannot afford the out-of-pocket costs associated with their treatment

  • For help with medical costs without insurance, check out the following resources:

Covering Kids & Families – Their statewide coalitions work with public officials, health professionals, educators, businesses, social service agencies and faith-based organizations to design and implement strategies to simplify enrollment processes and renewal processes for SCHIP and Medicaid. They will help you find resources on low-cost or free medical services in your state. For more information, call 1-877-KIDS-NOW or visit

The Individual Cancer Assistance Network (ICAN) – This network provides a chance for cancer patients and their families to deal with cancer-caused stress by meeting with a counselor for up to six one-on-one counseling sessions. No health insurance is needed to take advantage of ICAN counseling. People pay only what they can afford to pay. Cancer patients or their family members can call 1-866-359-ICAN.
The National Center for Policy Analysis – The National Center for Policy Analysis has done a study on how to lower your prescription drug costs. The study includes information on pill splitting, generic drugs and financial assistance to lower drug cost. For more information log on to

The Center for Patient Advocacy – This is a grass roots organization that works to ensure patients have timely access to the highest quality health care in the world. They are a diverse, nationwide coalition with a wealth of information on patient rights. This site includes information on patient dumping laws – refusing emergency care for lack of insurance. For more information, visit

What Do Families Say About Home Nursing?
"If they lose this job, they can move on.
If we lose our child, we don't move on as well."

Nurturing Your NICU Infant Comfort for Both Mom and Baby
By Amy E. Tracy

PreemieCare: Flu Season Subsides While Incidence of the Most Common and Lethal Children's Respiratory Virus Continues to Rise Wednesday January 28, 11:23 am ET