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Results 1-25 of 433 for your search:
Country:  U.S.A.
Trial Type:  Supportive care
Treatment/Intervention:  supportive care
Trial Status:  Active
Start Over
Phase: Phase IV
Type: Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: 19 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: F030107005, NCT00204373

Phase: Phase IV
Type: Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: hsc 031192, ind 70268, NCT00285272

Phase: Phase IV
Type: Supportive care, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 to 75
Sponsor: NIMH
Protocol IDs: R01 MH071580, DATR A3-NSS, NCT00352885

Phase: Phase IV
Type: Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: A0081128, NCT00381095

Phase: Phase IV
Type: Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: 21 and under
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: RASALL, NCT00186940

Phase: Phase IV
Type: Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: 20 to 75
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: UCSD 060340, ESRC 054, NCT00365261

Phase: Phase IV
Type: Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: 65 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: PRO06080002 (REBBeCA II), NCT00485953

Phase: Phase IV
Type: Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: 19 and over
Sponsor: NIMH
Protocol IDs: R01 MH079420, DAHBR 96-BHC, NCT00536172

Phase: Phase IV
Type: Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: 6 to 18
Sponsor: NCI, Other
Protocol IDs: MEMFX2, RO1-CA078957, UO1-CA81445, P30-CA2Z1765, NCT00576472

Phase: Phase IV
Type: Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: CZOL446EUS129, NCT00622505

Phase: Phase IV
Type: Health services research, Supportive care, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 1011, NCT00634426

Phase: Phase IV
Type: Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: Breast Pain, CA107091, NCT00686127

Phase: Phase IV
Type: Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: 6 to 18
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: B4Z-MC-X040, NCT00299234

Phase: Phase IV
Type: Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: 18 to 90
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: 3200K1-4006, NCT00858754

Phase: Phase IV
Type: Supportive care, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 to 80
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 26658, NCT00872859

Phase: Phase IV
Type: Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: Over 18
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 2007-0593, NCT00819832

Phase: Phase III, Phase II
Type: Supportive care, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 001-0015-211, NCT00127387

Phase: Phase III, Phase II
Type: Behavioral study, Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 2004-P-000115; BIDMC, West, NCT00179634

Phase: Phase III, Phase II
Type: Supportive care, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: C4697R, CDR0000546570, NCRAR-VA-1810, OHSU-3288, NCT00477607

Phase: Phase III, Phase II
Type: Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: RTOG-0537, RTOG 0537, NCT00656513

Phase: Phase III, Phase II
Type: Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: MCC-13782, ACS RSGPB-05-0243-01 (CPPB), NCT00740038

Phase: Phase III
Type: Supportive care, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: CALGB-30102, NCT00042770

Phase: Phase III
Type: Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: 18 to 49
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: SWOG-S0230, CALGB-40401, ECOG-S0230, NCT00068601, IBCSG-34-05, EUDRACT-2006-002600-33, EU-20632

Phase: Phase III
Type: Supportive care, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: Not specified
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: FCCC-03028, NCT00084552

Phase: Phase III
Type: Supportive care
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: NTI-0303, BCM-H-14962, NCT00088166
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