Atmospheric Science Careers and University Listings

Career Information

University Information

Thank you for stopping at this Web page! Most career fields have professional associations to support their interests. The National Weather Association supports and promotes excellence in operational meteorology and related fields (weather analysis & forecasting, hydrology, broadcast meteorology, research, and many more fields). It also provides opportunities for members to network and share in new knowledge, forecasting techniques and general news about the profession through monthly newsletters, journals, annual meetings, local chapters and this Web site. It has an annual awards program, scholarships and provides grants to teachers to improve the teaching of meteorology in grades K-12. When choosing a profession, please consider joining and supporting the objectives of the related professional associations. You will be helping yourself and advancing your profession. NWA membership information is available at

If you have any questions, that the NWA staff or its many member volunteers may be able to help answer, please e-mail or contact the NWA office listed on the home page.

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