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PEPFAR Supports Russian Interfaith Conference on HIV/AIDS

On November 18-19, 2008, more than 200 religious leaders, government officials, and representatives from faith-based and other organizations convened in Moscow for a national conference, “Interaction of Religious Communities in Russia in the Field of HIV/AIDS,” which was partially funded by PEPFAR through USAID. Russian faith-based organizations (FBOs) are playing an increasingly important role in the fight against HIV/AIDS, and have been pioneers in developing rehabilitation programs that address the dual needs of those struggling with HIV and drug abuse. Russian FBOs are also active in promoting prevention and healthy lifestyles, combating stigma and discrimination, providing spiritual support, and delivering care to those with advanced stages of AIDS.

Religious and secular speakers at the event noted that faith communities have become an important part of Russian civil society and are leaders in serving the needs of the most vulnerable populations. At the conclusion of the event, the participants agreed to establish a coordination committee to consolidate the different religious efforts on HIV/AIDS and to deepen the social partnership between the faith community, civil society, and the state.

Russian religious leaders gathered in Moscow to collectively address efforts to stem the spread of HIV/AIDS.
Russian religious leaders gathered in Moscow to collectively address efforts to stem the spread of HIV/AIDS.

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