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Doctors Learn IT Skills to Improve Hospital Efficiency, Protect Jobs

Pediatricians at the newly re-named Shirvan City Children’s Hospital are using computer skills gained at USAID-supported and IREX-implemented Internet Access and Training Program (IATP) centers to improve the efficiency of hospital administration.

The hospital received new computers in March 2008, and its director mandated that all employees be proficient in computer usage in order to utilize the equipment. However, no provisions were made to help employees gain these new skills.

The doctors quickly realized that they would need IT skills to keep their jobs, and turned to their local IATP center, a well-known provider for professional training. Together, they organized a series of step-by-step training courses for several groups of their peers. The first training class, comprised of five pediatrician, began training in April 2008.

“Now I can professionally fulfill my job responsibilities as a doctor, thanks to the IT skills I learned at the IATP center. I can meet the modern job requirements from both a medical and administrative aspects,” said Malahat Aliyeva, a doctor at the hospital.

Thanks to a recent IT training, Dr. Malahat Aliyeva has been digitizing the work of the Shirvan Children's Hospital, which has helped to make information more accessible to staff and operations more efficient.
Thanks to a recent IT training, Dr. Malahat Aliyeva has been digitizing the work of the Shirvan Children’s Hospital, which has helped to make information more accessible to staff and operations more efficient.
Photo Credit: IREX

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Mon, 03 Nov 2008 09:46:01 -0500