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Lithuania Hosts Moldovan Health Ministry Delegates

Under the Moldova Governance Threshold Program, a delegation from the Moldovan Ministry of Health visited Lithuania for a study tour on health care reform in November 2007.

The Moldova delegation, including the Vice Minister of Health and four chairpersons of the Ministry working groups on reform, held meetings with the Lithuanian Ministry of Health and various health care organizations. Discussions focused on health care guidelines and protocols, licensing of medical professionals, accreditation for health care providers, quality assurance, and public procurement procedures.

“We saw first-hand how the systems we want to implement in Moldova work in practice. Learning from our colleagues, who have gone through similar reforms, will add value to our planning and implementation processes,” stated Mircea Buga, Vice Minister of Health.

Lithuania, a country of similar size and population of Moldova, recently implemented health care reforms similar to those planned in Moldova. The visit laid the foundation for a long-term partnership between Lithuania and Moldova with representatives of the Lithuanian Ministry of Health and the State Patient Fund expressing readiness to sign a formal agreement of collaboration with the Moldovan Ministry of Health.

Discussions between Moldovan and Lithuanian Ministry of Health colleagues
Discussions between Moldovan and Lithuanian Ministry of Health colleagues

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Mon, 31 Dec 2007 13:12:45 -0500