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Couples Health Program Achieves Sustainability

On December 6, the Healthcare Department of Primorskiy Kray officially launched the Couples’ Campaign. This program, originally implemented by the USAID-funded Healthy Russia Foundation (HRF) in eight other regions of Russia, has now achieved sustainability with Russian officials adopting the program as their own.

The launch and press conference followed two weeks of training for doctors and health workers on improved approaches to family planning counseling to help couples better plan for the future. The program includes a media component designed to interest couples in reproductive health issues and motivate them to visit a health provider for counseling. The launch also included an event at the Vladivostok Navigation College attended by more than 400 cadets and soldiers ages 18-22, where attendees were encouraged to seek out family planning information.

Cadets listen to reproductive health message
Cadets listen to reproductive health message

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