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New Techniques Help BiH Farmers Make Milk Healthier, Safer

Is the food produced and consumed in BiH safe?

That’s a question many people are asking after recent inquiries by the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) found that lack of proper monitoring results in contamination of some of the country’s foods. In the milk sector at least, contamination is becoming less prevalent thanks to the efforts of USAID’s Linking Agriculture Markets to Producers (LAMP) project.

The LAMP dairy training program helps farmers in the Banja Luka, Tuzla and Mostar areas to boost the quality and safety of their milk through practices that improve feeding, milking and hygiene. To date, USAID has conducted over 500 trainings for 6,000 farmers in BiH. USAID also sponsored a study tour for farmers to Germany to learn about milk testing. Farmers now send milk samples to a local lab for monthly testing, thus ensuring their product is free from harmful bacteria and microbes.

Meanwhile, USAID is encouraging the major milk companies to pay more for higher quality milk to induce local dairymen to adopt new practices. The Agency is also working with the government to improve milk quality regulations to conform to European Union standards; these efforts include working with the Federation and RS Agriculture Ministries to pass legislation and improve quality controls. Without high quality raw milk, domestic dairies will continue to lose market share to foreign competitors.


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