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Uzbekistan Takes First Steps to Assure Gender Equity in Healthcare

USAID’s Healthy Family Project, implemented by Project HOPE in collaboration with the Futures Group, organized a roundtable in February 2006 to discuss the issue of gender equity in maternal and child healthcare with the Ministry of Health. The discussion was attended by representatives from the Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Labor, local NGOs, and other donors. Participants heard a presentation by experts from the World Health Organization, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Republican AIDS Center, the Uzbekistan Women’s Committee, and local youth-oriented NGOs.

The discussion focused on meeting the challenges of gender equity in the context of the National Reproductive Health Strategic Plan, which is being finalized by the Ministry of Health with assistance from the Futures Group. This was the first public meeting on gender issues with multi-sector participation, and represented an important step toward adopting a national policy on gender in healthcare.

In February 2006, USAID’s project facilitated the first public meeting on gender issues with multi-sector participation in Uzbekistan
In February 2006, USAID’s project facilitated the first public meeting on gender issues with multi-sector participation in Uzbekistan
Photo Credit: ZdravPlus

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Fri, 02 May 2008 12:27:57 -0500