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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry

Genoa NFH proud to be a partner in the 1st Mississippi River Adventure Day

Region 3, July 21, 2008
This future mussel biologist pollywogs around looking for mussels while keeping safety first by wearing her life jacket. FWS photo
This future mussel biologist pollywogs around looking for mussels while keeping safety first by wearing her life jacket. FWS photo
This budding biologist proudly places her catch in to the mussel bag. FWS photo
This budding biologist proudly places her catch in to the mussel bag. FWS photo

The Mississippi River Adventure Day is a kids in nature initiative by the McGregor District of the Upper Mississippi River Wildlife and Fish Refuge and the Friends of Pool 9.  Originally planned for June of this year, the event was postponed until July allowing flood waters to recede in the river.  Even after waiting an extra month the first Mississippi River Adventure Days was a huge success.  This event was a great example of how partners can come together and provide opportunities for kids to connect with nature.  Biologist from the Army Corp of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Wisconsin and Iowa Department of Natural Resources National Audubon Society, Allamakee County Conservation Board, Clayton County Conservation Board, Vernon County Land and Water Conservation Department and 30 members of the Friends of Pool 9 came together to provide this chance for 185 local kids to get out on and in the Mississippi River.  Eight stations were set on islands in the river or in the river itself.  At these stations, kids got to learn about frogs, turtles, birds, trees, fish and mussels.  Genoa National Fish Hatchery’s mussel biologist talked to the kids about mussels and their way of life in the river.  After a short presentation, the kids got to get in the water and “pollywog” (run their fingers through the sand) for freshwater mussels.  Once every child found at least one mussel, everyone gathered back on shore to see what was found.  The mussels were identified and the kids got to ask questions about mussels, before being asked to return the mussel to the river.  At the end of the day, everyone had fun and enjoyed their time on the river.        

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313, charles_traxler@fws.gov