Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Succession Planning?

    Succession Planning involves assessing the current situation and planning the workforce of the future, including developing a plan to address succession of current workers as they leave the workforce due to retirement, attrition, etc.

  2. What is being done throughout the federal government to address this issue?

    The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is the lead agency in providing guidance throughout the federal government. OPM developed a Workforce Planning Model, which agencies may find useful in developing their own succession planning efforts. Visit the OPM Website for more information about the model.

  3. What has been done to address Succession Planning from a real property perspective?

    In 2000, the Federal Real Property Council, which is now the Federal Real Property Advisory Group, identified Succession Planning as the number one issue for the coming year. To address this issue, a federal interagency working group was formed. The working group's conclusions, can be found in the Succession Planning Guide.

  4. What conclusions did the Succession Planning Working Group reach?

    Perhaps one of the most important conclusions reached by the Working Group was that competencies in generic skills, such as communication, analytical skills, computer skills, customer service, etc. were more important in hiring employees than specific skills, which could be achieved at a later date through training and experience. Additional conclusions involve recruiting strategies and information on programs offered at various federal agencies. More details are found in the Succession Planning Guide.

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