Decision Making in T1 Translational Research (Day 1)


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Air date: Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:15:00 AM
Category: Conferences
Description: This workshop will identify common challenges encountered in T1 translational research, solutions to these problems and best practices for moving projects forward.

The conference will concentrate on:
  • 1) team science and pathways considerations;
  • 2) incorporating advanced technologies and animal models into T1 research; and
  • 3) young investigators’ needs in the context of problems, solutions and best practices.
Featured speakers are leading investigators from some of the nation's top research institutions, including those that are part of the Clinical and Translational Science Award, National Primate Research Center and Biomedical Technology Research Center programs.

For more information, visit
Author: Sponsored by the National Center for Research Resources and the Clinical and Translational Science Awards Translational Key Function Committee
Runtime: 560 minutes
CIT File ID: 14907
CIT Live ID: 7415
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