Education and Outreach Working Group


An informed, engaged public is fundamental to achieving the goals of the National Coral Reef Action Plan. The U.S. Coral Reef Task Force (USCRTF) formally created an Education and Outreach Working Group by resolution at its third meeting in 1999. The Education and Outreach Working Group operates both as an outreach mechanism and as a body through which non-member organizations, academic institutions, and individuals can take part in Task Force activities. The USCRTF participates in a variety of activities to inform and engage reef users, local communities, schoolchildren, and the public in conservation efforts. The Education and Outreach Working Group promotes collaboration and helps plan workshops, seminars, and outreach events for the Task Force's biannual meetings.


Report of 2002 Activities for the October USCRTF Meeting

This is a short report from the USCRTF Outreach & Education Working Group on its activities throughout 2002.

NonGovernmental (NGO) Organization Contributions to Conserve Coral Reefs: 2000-2001

This longer report provides brief summaries of NGO activities to conserve coral reefs in 2000 and 2001.


The Education and Outreach Working Group meets monthly via conference call.  This working group is currently chaired by NOAA.