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Research Programs: Particulate Matter (PM) Health Effects
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PM Health Effects

EPA PM Research

This site contains the latest news in PM research and provides links to the EPA labs and centers which are involved in EPA's PM research program. It also contains links to research tools and documents such as reports by the National Research Council which prioritize PM research needs and the PM Air Quality Criteria Document which provides EPA's official collection and evaluation of the scientific evidence of health and environmental damage from exposure to ambient PM.

The Science Inventory

This link connects to EPA's Science Inventory, an on-line searchable database of EPA science activities and scientific/technical work products. The Science Inventory provides information about current or recently completed activities, providing a snapshot of what science EPA is conducting in its research laboratories and centers, program and regional offices, and through grants and other assistance agreements to universities and other institutions.

2005 PM BOSC Review

EPA's Particulate Matter (PM) Research Program was reviewed by a Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC) in Spring 2005. The objective of the review was to evaluate the PM program's quality, relevance, performance, and scientific leadership. EPA relies on such evaluations to help ensure that its research programs are making significant progress and that the outcomes of its research are used to support sound environmental decision making.

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