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Available Publications:  Small Farm/Small Business Information

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Small Farm/Small Business Information Topic

Document Number

Document Name

___50054S* Entiendo los Reglamentos Sobre Residuos Peligrosos: Manual para Empresas Penqueñas Actualización en 1996 (PDF) (31 pp, 691K), 31 pages, June 1996, (EPA 530-K-95-001S)
___51065* Integrated Environmental Management Systems - Company Manual Template for Small Businesses, 57 pages, December 2000, (EPA 744-R-00-012)
___24006 Hazardous Waste: The Small Quantity Generator Exit EPA, 2 pages, September 1998, (EPA-305-F-98-040)
___50044 Managing Used Oil: Advice for Small Businesses, 4 pages, November 1996, (EPA-530-F-96-004)
___52080 Managing Your Hazardous Waste: A Guide for Small Business (PDF) (31 pp, 996K), 31 pages, December 2001, (EPA 530-K-01-005)
___50044S Manejano Aceite Usado: Consejos para Empresas Pequenas (Managing Used Oil: Advice for Small Businesses), 4 pages, November 1996, (EPA-530-F-96-004S)
___51086* The Small Business Source Book on Environmental Auditing, 50 pages, May 2000, (EPA 233-B-00-003)
___50054 Understanding the Hazardous Waste Rules: A Handbook for Small Businesses, 30 pages, April 1995, (EPA-530-K-95-001)
* These documents can not be faxed to you due to their length. Hard copies can either be downloaded from the web or mailed to you.

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