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The University of Tennessee

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Keith Belli
Professor and Department Head

Nestled in the shadows of the Great Smoky Mountains, our University is in an ideal setting for your study in natural resources, forestry, wildlife, fisheries, forest products, and the environment. Our mission is “to advance the science, management, and appreciation of natural resources in Tennessee, the region, and beyond through programs in research, teaching, and extension. Our vision is to be a premier natural resource program in the country.

Review our programs and vision yourself as part of our team. Our curricula are strongly tailored with a mastery learning approach with an emphasis on hands-on experiences in the field of study. For example, both our undergraduate Forestry and Wildlife and Fisheries degrees include an intensive spring camp program.

Again, welcome. We hope to see you around campus!

Interested in learning more about our here!


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Contact Information

Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries
274 Ellington Plant Sci. Bldg.
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-4563
Phone: 865-974-7126
Fax: 865-974-4714


UT Institute of Agriculture video about recent mining reclamation efforts on Zeb Mountain....[more]

Billy Minser honored with Southeastern Regional Director’s Conservation Award....[more

Dr. Keith Belli joins UT as the new Department Head of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries.......[more]