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USAID Initiates First Workshop for Azerbaijan’s Parliamentary Aides

On September 20, 2007, the first of a series of training-seminars for the newly employed assistants of members of Milli Mejlis was conducted in the Republic of Azerbaijan Milli Mejlis’ deputies building. The training was initiated under the USAID-funded Parliamentary Program in Azerbaijan and was carried out by Development Alternatives, Inc., jointly with the Milli Mejlis Office of Public Service and Human Resources Department’s leadership.

The purpose of the training was to introduce the Parliamentary Program to the assistants and to provide them with knowledge and expertise in their role as assistants to MPs and in the various areas of the constituency related work. Nineteen MP assistants participated in the first training. The session generated lively discussion related to increasing of the capacity- building of MP assistants and their important role in constituency services.

A series of seminars brought together the trainers from USAID Parliamentary Program in Azerbaijan and Milli Mejlis Office together with MPs’ Assistants. In the center: Petro Morgos, Parliamentary Program Chief of Party.
A series of seminars brought together the trainers from USAID Parliamentary Program in Azerbaijan and Milli Mejlis Office together with MPs’ Assistants. In the center: Petro Morgos, Parliamentary Program Chief of Party.

In his introductory remarks, Imadeddin Abdulazizov, Head of the Milli Mejlis Office Public Service and Human Resources Department, welcomed participants on behalf of Ogtay Asadov, Milli Mejlis chairman, and talked about the institution of Milli Mejlis deputies’ assistants. Petro Morgos, Chief of Party for USAID Parliamentary Program provided information about the project and emphasized the importance of increasing citizen participation and strengthening the role of Deputies and their assistants in the decision making and as key partners to development. He stated that the U.S. Government, through USAID, has provided technical assistance to Milli Mejlis for an initial term of two years. The program was designed to address the needs of the Milli Mejlis deputies and their assistants in the development of constituency relations and improving legislative activities.

The partners combined to share their expertise on the topics of constituent services and its legislative and organizational frameworks, and building relationships in and outside of the constituencies. Some of the assistants shared their experience in the management of the constituency offices and addressing citizens inquires and concerns.

Many participants shared the opinion of Asif Guliyev, an MP assistant from the Sabunchi constituency district of Baku.  “We received very useful information and orientation related to our activity,” he remarked. “We would definitely implement guidance received during the training while working in the constituency offices with our citizens.”

The USAID Parliamentary Program in Azerbaijan plans to conduct further trainings for Milli Mejlis deputies’ assistants in Baku and in districts located in five main regions of Azerbaijan. The training consists in one-day initial training sessions as introduction to the work of assistants to MPs, and a series of three-day training-workshops in the constituency offices of the regional districts. In all, the Program plans to provide comprehensive training to all MP assistants.

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