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Agribusiness Center Helps Company Boost Production, Sales

One of Azerbaijan’s leading fruits and vegetable processing companies turned to the USAID-supported Azerbaijan Agribusiness Center over two years ago for help. Since then, the AAC—which is part of USAID’s Rural Enterprise Competitiveness Project—has provided technical support and expertise to help the company build its business.

While participating in the Azerbaijan Agribusiness Ceneter (AAC) booth at the 2006 Interfood Kiev Trade Fair, fruit and vegetable processor found cheaper suppliers for necessary inputs
While participating in the Azerbaijan Agribusiness Ceneter (AAC) booth at the 2006 Interfood Kiev Trade Fair, fruit and vegetable processor found cheaper suppliers for necessary inputs

To date, AAC account managers and consultants have provided advice and recommendations on technical issues, marketing, sales, and quality. Its participation in the AAC’s display booth at the 8th Annual Interfood Trade Fair in Saint Petersburg led to a $100,000 product sales increase. When the client company started to work on ISO 22000 certification, the AAC assisted with quality control management.

The AAC determined that as a producer of concentrates, tetra-pak juices, and preserves, its clients’ primary problems was the inconsistency of its raw material supply. AAC turned to a sister initiative, the Azerbaijan Business Assistance and Development (ABAD) program, for assistance. Currently, ABAD is working directly with local farmers to try to help them produce high-quality ingredients for processor’s products.

In 2006, AAC took a client representative to the World Food Kiev Trade Fair to help the company gain access to new markets. Discussions with various potential buyers yielded several deals which are now pending.

In addition, the client found a new supplier, Buchanskiy Zavod Steklotari, to provide glass jars at a lower rate than its current supplier, and subsequently purchased 2,000,000 units for $370,000. Company also bought 100 tons of sunflower oil for $80,000 for vegetable caviar production. Finding competitive suppliers has enabled the client to boost production and expand its domestic product line.

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Tue, 03 Jul 2007 16:00:37 -0500