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Street Law Program Helps Students Grow

USAID’s Street Law Program, implemented by ABA-CEELI, provides second- and third-year law students with the opportunity to learn how it feels to be on the other side of the podium. This unique program is designed to increase the effective teaching of law, democracy and human rights around the world. Law students create curriculum materials and conduct training programs that help younger schoolchildren understand their rights and responsibilities, think critically, and work cooperatively to solve society's problems.  

Since its commencement in 2004, USAID’s Street Law Program in Azerbaijan has already produced two alumni groups with a combined total of 102 students; a third group is in progress. By the end of each program, the law students reported that the schoolchildren had become actively engaged in promoting civic education, discussing their rights at the breaks.

Inspired by their success in the classroom, some alumni have chosen to continue working in schools—as trainers through other NGOs, private projects and specific extracurricular activities sponsored by their universities. Yegana Valiyeva, one of the Street Law alumni, currently teaches extracurricular Street Law classes at Azerbaijan University using the original model that was developed by the USAID program. Through her course, Yegana trains others to create curriculum materials for schoolchildren on the role of law in conflict resolution which they, in turn, will deliver through special classes they will teach at secondary schools. Another Street Law alumni, Elnara Garibova, also decided to continue this educational work. She is currently in the midst of her second year teaching extracurricular classes on legal and government issues for 8th- and 9th-graders.

Through USAID, aid from the American people helps Azerbaijani law students gain teaching skills
Through USAID, aid from the American people helps Azerbaijani law students gain teaching skills

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Fri, 02 Feb 2007 14:36:50 -0500