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United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
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Ronald D Green
Animal Production and Protection
(This person is no longer with ARS)
Projects (Appropriated | All ) 490 projects listed

Biological Control of Yellow Starthistle in Idaho
Lupinus, Phaseolus, and Medicago Genomics of Plant Nutrition
Field Evaluation and Improvement of a Range-Livestock Decision Support Model
Soci-Economic Assessment of Conservation Effects in the St. Joseph River Watershed
Implications of Global Change for Rangeland Management
Biological Control of Exotic Weeds in the West
Impacts of Global Changes and Biological Control of Invasive Weeds on Western Rangelands
Global Change: Responses and Management Strategies for Semi-Arid Rangelands
Simple Forage Prediction Tools for Drought Mgmt. in Livestock Production Derived from a Database of Historical & Simulated Forage Production
Discovery and Initial Development of Classical Biological Control Agents for Invasive Eurasian Weeds Affecting Agricultural & Natural Areas
Biology and Management of Invasive Weeds in the Western United States
Improving Soils for Turfgrass Production in Appalachia
Biological Control of Invasive Plants of the Northern Great Plains
Managing Biogeochemical Cycles and Rhizosphere Ecology for Sustainable Production of Appalachian Pasture and Amenity Grasses
Investigations for Identification and Development of New Biological Control Organisms for the Riparian Weed Arundo Or Giant Reed
Functional Genomics for Improving Nutrients and Quality in Alfalfa and Soybean
Gene Switches for Trait Improvement and Functional Genomics Applications in Forage Plants
Approaches to Minimize the Occurence of Fescue Toxicosis in Livestock
Plant Materials for Control of Gastrointestinal Parasites in Small Ruminants
Genetic Analysis of Tropically Adapted Stocker Cattle
Source, Fate, and Transport of Non-Point Source Pollutants in Small Agricultural Headwater Streams in the Southeast Usa
Internet Capability for Assessing/managing Impacts of Climate Change on Sediment Loading to Streams Using Wepp
Extension of Gpfarm-Irrigation to the Colorado Corn Growers Association / Farm Profit
Soil Resource Evaluation of Management Systems to Enhance Agroecosystem Sustainability
Relating Spatial Patterns of Vegetation and Soil Properties with Runoff and Erosion on Ecological Sites in Southeastern Arizona
Soil Management for Turf Applications
Discovery and Evaluation of Biological Control Agents of Russian Thistle
Evaluation of New Perennial Cool-Season Grasses As Components of Year-Long Forage Production Systems
Direct Incorporation of Poultry Litter into No-Till Soils to Minimize Nutrient Runoff to Chesapeake Bay
Continuation of Improved Forage Livestock Production
Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Cycling to Sustain Agriculture in the Southeastern Usa
Develop and Improve Strategies for Management of Irrigated Agricultural Crops and Soils
Soil Organic Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics in Tall Fescue Pastures
Common Modular Wind and Water Erosion Modeling for Conservation Planning
Optimizing Forage-Based Cow-Calf Operations to Improve Sustainability of Beef Cattle Agriculture and Water Quality Protection and Management
Snow and Hydrologic Processes in the Intermountain West
Effectiveness of Watershed Land-Management Practices to Improve Water Quality
Improved Knowledge and Modeling of Water Flow and Chemical Transport Processes in Irrigated Soils
Degradation of Feed Amino Nitrogen in the Remen of Goats
Improved Water Resources Management for Irrigated Agriculture in the Pacific Northwest
Converting Crested Wheatgrass Stands to Native Rangeland
Introgressing Resistance to Striga Hermonthica from Wild to Cultivated Pearl Millet
Livestock Grazing in Rangeland Management Systems
Biological Control of Russian Olive, Saltcedar, Perennial Pepperweed, and Other U.S. Invasive Weeds from Kazakhstan and Central Asia
Native Plant Resources for Small Ruminant Production in Appalachia
Conservation Effects Assessment Project
Application of System Models to Evaluate and Extend Cropping Systems Studies at Different Great Plains/northwest Locations
Conservation Effects Assessment Project - Kimberly (Fy2009)
Conservation Effects Assessment Project
Epidemiology and Management of Fungal Diseases of Grasses Grown for Seed
Fate of Hormones in Waste from Concentrated Broiler Feeding Operations
Land Use Change and Carbon and Water Dynamics in Conservation Reserve Program Lands
Risk Assessment Using the Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model
Joint Effects of Climate Change on Grasslands: Extending Lycog Through Stochastic Modeling of Co2, Temperature, and Precipitation Forcing
Watershed Assessment Using Usda-Swat
Ceap Assessment of Invasive Weed Biological Control
Biological Control of U.S. Invasive Weeds from China
Yellow Starthistle Control Techniques
New Monitoring Technologies for Improving Rangeland Management
Improving Alfalfa and Other Forage Crops for Bioenergy, Livestock Production, and Environmental Protection
Functional Genomics of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation and Root Adaptation to Phosphorus Deficiency in Phaseolus Vulgaris
Use of Fgd Gypsum to Improve Crop and Forage Production on Erodible Soils of the South
Economic Pasture-Based Beef Systems for Appalachia
Management of Temperate Pastures and Silvopastures for Small Farm Livestock Production
Sustaining and Enhancing Southern Plains Rangeland and Pasture Landscapes
Development and Assessment of a System to Produce Grass-Fed Beef for the Southern Great Plains
Redesigning Forage Germplasm and Production Systems for Efficiency, Profit, and Sustainability of Dairy Farms
Effect of Soil-Borne Fungal Pathogens on Forest Diversity and Dynamics
Opportunities & Limits to Perturbing Forage Plant Biochemistry, Growth, & Development for Improving Forage Nutritional Benefits in Dairy Sys
Native Perennial Warm-Season Grasses As Components of Sustainable Farming Systems in the Southeastern Usa
Sustainable Forage Production for Low-Input Farming Systems
Managing Forage and Grazing Lands for Multiple Ecosystem Services
Integrating Forage Systems for Food and Energy Production in the Southern Great Plains
Improving Dairy Forage and Manure Management to Reduce Environmental Risk
Improving Dairy Forage and Manure Management to Reduce Environmental Risk
Semiarid Rangeland Ecosystems: the Conservation-Production Interface
Non-Traditional Plant Resources for Grazing Ruminants in Appalachia
Proactive Management for Sustainable Rangeland Production
Forage Systems for Sustainable Animal Production in the Mid-South
Endophyte, Plant and Animal Improvement for Mitigating Fescue Toxicosis
The Conservation-Production Interface in Northern Mixed-Grass Rangelands
Pastureland Conservation Effects Assessment Project Literature Syntheseis
Economic Pasture-Based Beef Systems for Appalachia(clemson)
Economic Pasture-Based Beef Systems for Appalachia(wvu)
Forage Management Systems for Smale-Scale Ruminant Production in the Appalachian Region
Conservation Practices in Northeastern Grazing Lands
Molecular Breeding for Dollar Spot and Snow Mold Resistances
Molecular Breeding for Snow Mold and Dollar Spot Resistances
Investigation of Eastern Redcedar Invasion; Economic Utilization and Management in Grassland Environments
Develop Knowledge Base and Quantitative Tools for Optimal Crops and Mgmt Practices for Variable Ltd Water Conditions in the Great Plains
Comparison of Alfalfa and Orchardgrass Hay As Replacements for Grain in Lactating Dairy Cow Diets
Effect of Herbicide Application Timing on Crested Wheatgrass Control and Subsequent Native Plant Reestablishment Success
Economic Pasture-Based Beef Systems for Appalachia (Va Tech)
Alternative Crop and Forage Production Systems for Improved Nutrient Management
Methodology Development and Analysis of Pathogens in Agricultural Runoff and Forage Materials
Alternative Crop and Forage Production Systems for Improved Nutrient Management
Methodology Development and Analysis of Pathogens in Agricultural Runoff and Forage Materials
P-Coumarates and P-Comaroyl Transferases in Commelinid Monocots
Pigeonpea Cultivars for Sustainable Cereal-Legume Cropping System in the U.S. Southern Plains
Development and Evaluation of New Bioenergy Cropping System Strategies for the Northeastern U.S.
Biological Control Research on Western Rangeland Weeds
Modeling Snow, Soil Moisture, and Streamflow Impacts on Water, Soil and Vegetation Resources in Semi-Arid Basins
Using a Modeling System to Extend Hydrologic Parameters and Processes from Experimental Watersheds to Larger Regions Within the Great Basin
Enhancing Applications of the Object Modeling System (Oms): Applications of Gpfarm-Rangeland Model Built from Oms Components
Elucidating the Roles of Hydroxycinnamoyl Transferases and P-Coumaroyl 3-Hydroxylases in O-Diphenol Biosynthesis in Red Clover
Sustainable Control of Gastrointestinal Neatodes in Organic and Grass Fed Small Ruminant Production Systems
U.S. Native Grass Breeding Consortium to Identify Regional Optimum Biomass Productivity on Marginal Land
Net Groundwater Use on Southern Idaho Dairies
Classical Biological Control Research of Management of Invasive Exotic Rangeland Weeds on Bureau of Land Management Lands
Restoration of Native Plants
Identification of Genes That Regulate Soybean Oil Content, Part II
Changes in Soil Chemical Properties of Former Agricultural Systems in An Archaeological Site: a Chronosequence Study
Evaluation of Maternal and Paternal Germplasm for Increasing Efficiency of Sheep in Western Rangeland Production Systems
Genetics, History, and Origins of the Wisconsin Meadow Fescue
Sustainable Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Organic and Grass-Fed Small Ruminant Production Systems
Sustainable Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Organic and Grass-Fed Small Ruminant Production Systems
Sustainable Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Organic and Grass-Fed Small Ruminant Production Systems
Characterizing Cattle Distributions on Rangelands
Characterization, Preservation, and Exchange of Rhizobia Strains for Subtropical Legume Forage Development in Uruguay and the U.S.
Sustainable Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Organic and Grass-Fed Small Ruminant Production Systems
Sustainable Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Organic and Grass-Fed Small Ruminant Production Systems
Nitrogen Source Effects on Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Irrigated and Rainfed Production Systems
Catalytic Conversion of Animal Manure into Biochar and Liquid Oils
Heat and Moisture Production Rates for Modern Swine and Their Housing Systems.
Evaluation of a Skid-Mounted Pyrolysis System to Produce Electrical Energy from Poultry Litter and Swine Manure
Impact of Aged Semen on Cow Fertility Rate
6th International Congress on Farm Animal Endocrinology
Characterizing Cattle Distributions on Rangelands
Integrated Invasive Species Control, Revegetation, and Assessment of Great Basin Rangelands
Reuse of Classified Paper Waste for Soil Restoration
Development and Validation of the Analysis of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids and Their N-Oxides in Plant-Derived Products
Sustainable Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Organic and Grass-Fed Small Ruminant Production Systems
Positional Candidate Genes for Resistance to Marek¿s Disease by Screening for Marek¿s Disease Virus Meq-Regulated Genes
Sustainable Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Organic and Grass-Fed Small Ruminant Production Systems
The Impact of Banding and Addition of Urease Inhibiting Enzymes to Poultry Litter on the Release of N Containing Gases
Sustainable Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Organic and Grass-Fed Small Ruminant Production Systems
Positional Candidate Genes for Resistance to Marek's Disease by Screening for Marek's Disease Virus Meq-Regulated Genes
Genetics, History, and Origins of the Wisconsin Meadow Fescue
Ammonia and Methane Emissions in Beef Cattle Feedyards: Federal Air Quality Initiative
The Development of Technologies for the Improvement of Pasture Grasses
Development of a Non-Surgical Technique for Artificially Inseminating Sheep with Frozen-Thawed Semen
Restoration of Native Plants
Evaluation of Maternal and Paternal Germplasm for Increasing Efficiency of Sheep in Western Rangeland Production Systems
Safeguarding Well-Being of Food Producing Animals
Development and Field Evaluation of Genome-Wide Marker-Assisted Selection (Gwmas) over Multiple Generations in Commercial Poultry
National Turfgrass Evaluation Program
Assess Levels of Pathogenic E. Coli in the Anacostia River
Triple Action Chimera: Eradication of Nasal S. Aureus by Cell Wall Hydrolases
U.S. Native Grass Breeding Consortium to Identify Regional Optimum Biomass Productivity on Marginal Land
Triple Action Chimera: Eradication of Nasal S. Aureus by Cell Wall Hydrolases
Evaluation of Information Needs for Swine Research
Lake Mead National Recreation Area Ecosystem Health Monitoring
Quantification and Control of Bacterial Pathogens in Agricultural Watersheds
Sustainable Control of Gastrointestinal Neatodes in Organic and Grass Fed Small Ruminant Production Systems
Impact of Fiberous Feedstuff on Marker Appearance and Disappearance, and on Nutrient Digestibility in Finishing Pigs
Grazinglands Ceap and Nri Technical Support-Phase II
Development and Field Evaluation of Genome-Wide Marker-Assisted Selection (Gwmas) over Multiple Generations in Commercial Poultry
Integrating Model Abstraction into Monitoring Strategies
Managerial and Nutritional Strategies to Improve Production Efficiency of Heavy Broiler Chickens
National Turfgrass Evaluation Program
Vegetative Monitoring of Rangelands Using Low-Level Aerial Photography
Development of State and Transition Models That Describe the Vegetation Dynamics of Ecological Sites
Identify Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Conferring Marek's Disease Resistance in Chickens
Effects of Corn Processing and Wet Distiller's Grains on in Vitro Hydrogen Sulfide Production
Development Technologies and Plant Germplasm for Management and Remediation of Degraded Rangelands
Development and Evaluation of New Bioenergy Cropping System Strategies for the Northeastern U.S.
Increasing Poultry Litter Nitrogen Recovery by Use of Conservation Crops and High-Residue Tillage
Development of a Large Number of Snp Markers to Enhance Genetic Selection and Identify Genes Affecting Production and Health Traits in Swine
Implementation of Whole Genome Selection in the U.S. Dairy and Beef Cattle Industries
Pigeonpea Cultivars for Sustainable Cereal-Legume Cropping System in the U.S. Southern Plains
Apparent Metabolizable Energy of Corn Co-Products in Broilers
Elucidating the Roles of Hydroxycinnamoyl Transferases and P-Coumaroyl 3-Hydroxylases in O-Diphenol Biosynthesis in Red Clover
P-Coumarates and P-Comaroyl Transferases in Commelinid Monocots
Ground and Aerial Analyses of the Vegetation in Selected Allotments of the Grand River and Missouri National Grasslands
Methodology Development and Analysis of Pathogens in Agricultural Runoff and Forage Materials
Research to Improve Production Efficiency/meat Quality, Reduce Food Safety Pathogens, & Minimize Impact of Animal Agriculture on Environment
Assessing the Status and Extent of Sagebrush Step Plant Communities Within the Great Basin
Evaluation of Whole Corn Substitution in Steam-Flaked Corn Diets Containing Differing Levels of Wet Distiller's Grains
Alternative Crop and Forage Production Systems for Improved Nutrient Management
Soil Baseline Study: Impacts of Dispersed Vehicle Disturbances
Effect of Herbicide Application Timing on Crested Wheatgrass Control and Subsequent Native Plant Reestablishment Success
Development of Instruments for Measurement of Particulates and Gases from Agricultural Operations
Economic Pasture-Based Beef Systems for Appalachia (Va Tech)
Comparison of Alfalfa and Orchardgrass Hay As Replacements for Grain in Lactating Dairy Cow Diets
Critical Evaluation of Commercially Available Enzymes and Processing on Nutrient Digestibility of Swine Diets Containing Ddgs
Monitor Habitat-Phase II
Investigation of Eastern Redcedar Invasion; Economic Utilization and Management in Grassland Environments
Identification of Quantitative Trait Nucleotides (Qtn) for Pork Tenderness
Strategies to Improve the Tenderness of Vastus Lateralis Muscles
Evaluation of the Interaction Between Genotype and Administration of Aggressive Implant Strategies on Beef Tenderness
Molecular Breeding for Snow Mold and Dollar Spot Resistances
Identify Mechanisms by Which Ovulatory Follicle Size Affects Pregnancy Establishment and Maintenance in Beef Cows
Comparison of Health, Fitness, and Fertility Traits for Holsteins, Jerseys, and Reciprocal Crosses
Epigenetic Changes and Chicken Marek's Disease Etiology
Molecular Breeding for Dollar Spot and Snow Mold Resistances
Conservation Practices in Northeastern Grazing Lands
Forage Management Systems for Smale-Scale Ruminant Production in the Appalachian Region
Impact of Gypsum on Crop Yield, Soil Chemical Properties, and the Solubility of Phosphorus
Impacts of Irrigation Water Quality Persistence and Transmission of E.COLI O157:h7 from Soil to Plants
Improving Profitability and Sustainability of Beef Production in Montana
Genome Signature of Artificial Selection and Genome-Wide Association Analysis in Holstein Cows
Discovery of Genetic Variation That Enhances Genetic Improvement of Dairy Production and Health in Cattle and Buffalos
Improving Selection for Heat Tolerance in Bentgrass
Meat Quality of Pasture-Finshed Lambs and Goats
Rangeland Management Practices and Technologies
Monitor Habitat
Evaluate and Optimize Dietary Phytase Enzymes Utilization in Poultry Nutrition
Quantification and Control of Bacterial Pathogens in Agricultural Watersheds
Economic Pasture-Based Beef Systems for Appalachia(wvu)
Pastureland Conservation Effects Assessment Project Literature Syntheseis
Economic Pasture-Based Beef Systems for Appalachia(clemson)
The Conservation-Production Interface in Northern Mixed-Grass Rangelands
Improvement of Seed and End-Use Quality of Cool Season Grasses
Validating Topdressed K Fertilizer Recommendations in An Alfalfa-Corn Rotation
Endophyte, Plant and Animal Improvement for Mitigating Fescue Toxicosis
Fescue Toxicosis: Management and Treatment at Plant and Animal Levels
Anaerobic Ruminal Microbes That Degrade Endophyte Alkaloids (Both Ergovaline and Lolitrem B)
Forage Systems for Sustainable Animal Production in the Mid-South
Disturbance Assessment and Mitigation of Great Basin Rangeland
Proactive Management for Sustainable Rangeland Production
Non-Traditional Plant Resources for Grazing Ruminants in Appalachia
Monitoring Climatic Changes in Central Oklahoma
Rangeland Restoration and Management
Hydraulic Properties and Microorganism Transport As Related to Soil Macroporosity
Semiarid Rangeland Ecosystems: the Conservation-Production Interface
Reducing Ammonia Emissions in Poultry Litter: Effect of Common Litter Amendments on the Dominant Urease and Uricase Producing Microbes
Improving Dairy Forage and Manure Management to Reduce Environmental Risk
Integrating Forage Systems for Food and Energy Production in the Southern Great Plains
Managing Forage and Grazing Lands for Multiple Ecosystem Services
Development of Farming Systems for Environmental Credits and Production Efficiency
Rangeland and Livestock Resource Management
Sustainable Forage Production for Low-Input Farming Systems
Identification and Utilization of Mechanisms Responsible for the Adaptation of Cattle to Stressors of the Subtropics
Increase the Beneficial Reuse of Coal Combustion Products (Ccp)
Poisoning of Livestock by Various Larkspur Species (Delphinium)
Astragalus and Oxytropis Poisoning in Livestock
The Toxicity of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid-Containing Plants and Other Hepatotoxic and Neurotoxic Plants
Livestock Losses from Abortifacient and Teratogenic Plants
Utilizing Water Treatment Residuals to Reduce Phosphorus Runoff from Biosolids
Native Perennial Warm-Season Grasses As Components of Sustainable Farming Systems in the Southeastern Usa
Economics of Annual Grass Invasion
Modifications of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate Protein System to Improve Feed Efficiency of Ruminants
Methods for Improving Feed Evaluation for Use in Enhancing Lactating Dairy Cow Efficiency and Nutrient Management
Opportunities & Limits to Perturbing Forage Plant Biochemistry, Growth, & Development for Improving Forage Nutritional Benefits in Dairy Sys
Effect of Soil-Borne Fungal Pathogens on Forest Diversity and Dynamics
Redesigning Forage Germplasm and Production Systems for Efficiency, Profit, and Sustainability of Dairy Farms
Genome-Wide Screen for Polymorphic Genes with Cisacting Regulatory Elements That Respond to Marek's Disease Virus Challenge in Chicken
National Animal Germplasm Program (Nagp)
Assay Development for Detection of Pathogenic E. Coli in Environmental Samples
Enhancing Animal Well-Being, Immunocompetence, and Performance in Swine and Beef Cattle
Biomass Feedstock Production in the Northeast: Economic and Environmental Implications
Genome-Wide Screen for Genes with Polymorphic Cis-Acting Elements That Respond to Marek's Disease Virus Challenge in Chicken
Reducing Cost of Efficient Beef Production
Improved Plant Genetic Resources for Pastures and Rangelands in the Temperate Semiarid Regions of the Western U.S.
Characterization of Structural Variations in Livestock Genomes
Enhancing Feedyard Beef Cattle Production Through Efficient and Sustainable Utilization of Ethanol by-Products: Ars-Bushland
Genetic Enhancement of Turfgrass Germplasm for Reduced Input Sustainability
Sustaining and Enhancing Southern Plains Rangeland and Pasture Landscapes
Genetic Enhancement and Management of Warm Season Grass Species for Forage and Alternative Uses
Genomic and Metabolic Bases Underlying Protein and Fat Accretion in Cattle
Enhancing Resistance to Diseases and Abiotic Stresses in Alfalfa and Edible Legumes
Techniques for Reseeding of Abandonded Agricultural Lands
Development and Assessment of a System to Produce Grass-Fed Beef for the Southern Great Plains
Management of Temperate Pastures and Silvopastures for Small Farm Livestock Production
Mapping Disease-Resistance Genes in Bentgrass Species
Optimizing the Biology of the Animal-Plant Interface for Improved Sustainability of Forage-Based Animal Enterprises
Estimating Environmental Impacts of Conservation Practices on Grazing Lands
Improving Nutrient Digestibility to Enhance Forage Utilization in Lactating Dairy Cow Feeding Systems
Vlsa Monitoring on Nmsu Corona Ranch¿a Pinion-Juniper System
Identifying Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Conferring Marek's Disease Resistance
Genetic and Physiological Approaches to Improving Performance of Beef Cattle Grazing Pastures in Which Endophyte-Infected Forages Dominate
Regional Management of Perennial Mustards & Yst in Western Rangelands Utilizing An Integrated Pest Management Systems Approach
Characterizing and Managing Animal Stress/well-Being in Livestock Production
Germplasm Development for Southern Plains Rangeland and Pasture Landscapes
Management Technologies for Arid Rangelands
Economic Pasture-Based Beef Systems for Appalachia
Improving Alfalfa and Other Forage Crops for Bioenergy, Livestock Production, and Environmental Protection
Swine Genome Sequencing Project (Sgsp)
Nutrient Requirements of Fish and Shrimp
New Monitoring Technologies for Improving Rangeland Management
Managerial and Nutritional Strategies to Improve Production Efficiency of Heavy Broiler Chickens
Rumen Microbial Metagenomics
Improved Forage and Bioenergy Plants and Technologies for the Central Usa
A Study to Evaluate the Ability of An Integrative Genomics Approach to Identify Specific Genes That Show Allele-Specific Gene Expression...
Using the Genome to Understand Immunogenetics of Poultry
Indian Ricegrass and Needle and Thread Grass Genetic Diversity Assessment in the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument
Yield and Seed Production Potential of Vegetative Star Grass
Utilizing Dried Distiller's Grains As Protein Supplement to Cattle Consuming Low-Quality Forage and Rapid Analysis Using Nirs
Supplemental Distiller's Grains Plus Condensed Solubles for Stocker Cattle Grazing Summer Native Range
Genetic Susceptibility to Bovine Respiratory Disease
Enhancing Genetic Merit of Dairy Cattle Through Genome Selection and Analysis
Improvement of Plant Materials and Beef Cow Production on Irrigated Pastures
Effects of Hay Production by Hybrid Bermudagrass When Fertilized with Poultry Litter (Webb Farm)
Improve Nutrient Management and Efficiency in Cattle
Effects of Poultry Litter As Fertilizer in Conventional Cotton Production (R. W. Farmer & Son)
Effects of Poultry Litter As Fertilizer in No Till Cotton (Bailey and Sons Farm)
Detection and Safe Management of Microorganisms in Swine Waste (Prestage Farms of Ms)
Fertility of Cryopreserved Swine Germplasm
Genomic Regulation of Seasonal Infertility in Swine
Breeding Pearl Millet with Improved Performance, Stability, and Resistance to Pests.
A Pilot Study to Evaluate the Ability of An Integrative Genomics Approach
Plant Genetic Diversity and Gene Discovery Research
Improving Genetic Predictions for Dairy Animals Using Phenotypic and Genomic Information
Efficiency of Nutrient Use in Cattle:identification of Critical Physiologic and Genomic Regulatory Pathways
Monitoring Atmospheric Emissions from a Large Scale Dairy in Southern Idaho
Bovine Microrna Transcriptome Analyses: Discovery, Tissue-Specific Expression Profile and Target Gene Prediction
Understanding and Reducing Aggression Using Pre-Exposure, When Sows Are Mixed in a Group Gestation System
Evaluation of Genetically Engineered Cattle and Refining Techniques for Producing Them
Improvement of Stem Cell and Nuclear Cloning Technologies in Ungulates
Statistical Evaluation of Carcass Traits Measured Using Ultrasound
Impacts of Irrigation Water Quality Persistence and Transmission of E.COLI O157:h7 from Soil to Plants
Farm Management Strategies for Agricultural Air Quality, Land Application of Litter/cake, and Watershed Protection
Effectiveness of Methionine Sources for Improving Utilization of Dietary Crude Protein by Lactating Dairy Cows
Genetic Improvement of Perennial Forage and Turf Grasses for the Southern United States
Evaluation, Development, and Use of Genetic Resources to Improve Life-Cycle Efficiency of Beef Cattle and Sheep
Impacts of Irrigation Water Quality Persistence and Transmission of E.COLI O157:h7 from Soil to Plants
Bovine Microrna Transcriptome Analyses: Discovery, Tissue-Specific Expression Profile, and Target Gene Prediction
Strategies to Optimize Carcass Yield and Meat Quality of Red Meat Animals
Resource Development Facilitating Bovine Genome Sequence Use to Improve Cattle Production Efficiency, Product Quality & Environmental Impact
Development of a Genotyping Platform to Enhance the Discovery of DNA Markers for Feed Efficiency
Evaluation of New Pearl Millet Hybrids
Physiological Approaches to Increase the Efficiency of Pork Production Through Improved Nutritional and Reproductive Competence
Managerial/nutritional Strategies of Broiler Chickens to Improve Production Efficiency
Perennial Forages for Small Farms
Degradation of Feed Amino Nitrogen in the Remen of Goats
Molecular Strategies for Detection and Identification of Forage Legume Pathogens and Development of Host Resistance
Investigation of Genetic Mechanisms for Improving the Regulation of Feed Intake and Nutrient Utilization in Poultry
Understanding Aggression When Sows Are Mixed in Indoor and Outdoor Housing Systems
Engineering Bacteriophage Endolysins: Antimicrobials for Mastitis Pathogens That Are Refractory to Resistance Development
Molecular Strategies for Detection and Identification of Nematodes Infecting Forage Legumes and Development of Host Resistance
Identification, Characterization, & Transfer of Microbial Endophytes into Native Plant Materials to Improve Success of Rangeland Restoration
Habitat Monitoring on Holleman Air Force Base
Conservation Effects Assessment Project
Livestock Grazing in Rangeland Management Systems
Application of "interpreting Indicators of Rangeland Health" (Iirh, Tr 1734-6) to Management of Linear Impacts
Bentgrass Breeding Consortium: Molecular Breeding for Dollar Spot and Snow Mold Resistances
Genetic and Genomic Approaches to Improve Efficiency of Swine Production and Product Quality
Functional Genomics and Proteonomics for Improved Cloning Efficiency
Functional Genomics of Enhanced Embryo, Fetal, and Neonatal Development and Survival in Swine
Improved Efficiency of Bovine Cloning
Converting Crested Wheatgrass Stands to Native Rangeland
The Pharmacogenetics of Methyllycaconitine Toxicity: Identification of Genetic Markers in Mice
Does Genetic Selection for Body Weight in Chickens Alter the Brain's Ability to Regulate Feed Intake and Energy Balance?
Collection of Low-Maintenance Turf Grass Seeds in Eurasia
Modulating Weaning and Transport Stressors with Yeast Products in Piglets
Porcine and Bovine Genome Annotation and Qtl Dissection
Grazinglands Ceap and Nri Technical Support
Field Testing of Monitoring and Assessment Technologies Across Large Ranch Landscapes in the Southwestern U.S.
Performance and Profitability of F1 Norwegian Red X Holstein Cattle As Compared with Pure Holsteins on Commercial Dairy Farms
Baseline Ecological Health Survey
Determination of "out-of-Season" Breeding Tendency for Polypay X Blackface Yearling Ewes
Dairy Diet and Manure Management Impacts on Trace-Gas Emissions
Bentgrass Breeding Consortium: Molecular Breeding for Dollar Spot and Snow Mold Resistances
Conducting Digestibility Trials with Lambs to Evaluate Unique Alfalfa and Grass Forages
Evaluation of High Yielding Orchardgrass Germplasm for Persistence, Performance, and Forage Production in Oklahoma
Detection of Quantitative Trait Loci and Marker Assisted Introgression in Beef Cattle
Value-Added Animal Production for the Northern Great Plains
Red River Nutrient Criteria Development Phase I
Evaluation of Carcass Composition and Meat Quality in Terminal Sired Lambs
The Southern Great Plains Dairy Consortium
Catalytic Conversion Processes for Mixed Alcohols and Hydrocarbons from Animal-Waste and Biomass Generated Synthesis Gas
Red River Scope of Work: Nutrient Criteria Phase I and II
Bovine Copy Number Polymorphism and Its Implication in Early Embryonic Loss
Development of New Technologies and Methods to Enhance the Utilization and Long-Term Storage of Poultry, Swine and Fish Germplasm
Impacts of Water Sprinkler Systems on Air Quality at Cattle Feedlots
Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative
Environmentally Sound Manure Management for Reduction of Health-Related Microorganisms and Odor
Joint Analysis of a Qtl Region on Pig Chromosome 2 Affecting Pork Tenderness
Remote Assessment of Agro-Ecosystems
Preservation of Caprine Germplasm
Predict Transmitting Ability from Genetic Loci Using Dense Marker Genotypes
Survival Kinetics of Cryptosporidium in Swine Facility Wastes in Southern Piedmont and Coastal Plain Watersheds
Biomat Testing for Runoff Water Quality Improvement at Aphis, USDA
Develop, Evaluate and Exchange Promising Plant Germplasm for the Western U.S.
Effects of Polyphenolic Substances on Soil Organic Matter
Appalachian Land Use and Landscape Dynamics
Field Screening of Bentgrass Germplasm for Resistance to Important Turfgrass Diseases
Identification of Brown Patch Resistant Tall Fescue
Biomat Testing for Runoff Water Quality Improvement at Aphis, Usda, Beltsville, MD
Chemical Characterization Particulates and Gaseous Emissions from Impacted and Non-Impacted Areas Associated with Swine Feeding Operations
Evaluate and Optimize Dietary Phytase Enzymes Production and Utilization in Animal Nutrition
Effect of Ovulatory Follicle Size on Luteal Function Pregnancy Rate and Late Embryonic/fetal Mortality in Cattle
Great Basin Cooperative Eco-Systems Study Unit II
Trace-Gas Emissions from Dairy Production Systems Using Dispersion Analysis Techniques
Trace-Gas Emissions from Dairy Production Systems
Modeling Gaseous Emissions from Dairy Facilities
Northeast Pasture Consortium: Partnership to Identify, Develop, Coordinate, and Promote Pasture Research and Extension
Appalachian Herbage Nutritive Fractionation, Digestive Kinetics & Fermentation End-Product Profiling for Grazing System Modeling & Developmt
Feasibility Test of a Uav-Based System for Rangeland Inventory Assessment and Monitoring in the Owyhee Uplands
Interactions of Climate Change and Other Environmental Factors on Invasive Plant Infestation in the Arid West
Evaluation of New Perennial Cool-Season Grasses As Components of Year-Long Forage Production Systems
Collaborative Livestock Research Between ARS and Ndsu Hettinger Research Extension Center
Physiological Response of Cattle Consuming Toxic Tall Fescue to Environmental Stress
Streamlined Method for Biomass Whole-Cell-Wall Structural Profiling
Heart Rate Variability: Unraveling the Sympatho-Vagal Mechanisms of Stress Responses and Well-Being Status in Pigs
Integrated Management, Ecology, and Toxicology Studies
Development and Evaluation of Manure Treatment Practices for Antibiotic Removal and Bioenergy Production
Continuation of Improved Forage Livestock Production
Cell Wall Structural Analyses for Improved Forage Digestibility and Improved Biomass Utilization
Phylogenetic Characterization of Genetic Diversity in Basalt Milkvetch; Characterizing Multi-Species Interactions in Response to Disturbance
Investigation of Lupine-Induced Crooked Calf Disease in the Scablands of the Northwest
Swine Wastewater Treatment Via Struvite Formation, Solids Separation, and Treatment Wetland
Grain Production and Use on Organic Dairy Farms in Maine and Vermont
Implementation of Robust Multiplex Panels of Snps As Diagnostic Tools for the Livestock Industry
Approaches to Minimize the Occurence of Fescue Toxicosis in Livestock
Low Altitude, High-Resolution Digital Aerial Photography, and Computer Enhanced Data Analysis for Monitoring Rangeland Resources
Evaluation and Development of Dactylis Glomerata Germplasm As a Cool-Season Forage in Japan and the U.S.A.
Genetic Analysis of Tropically Adapted Stocker Cattle
Alternative Management Practices for Farming Systems Utilizing Manure
Alfalfa Hybrids for Increased Biomass Yield
Emission and Dispersion of Air Quality Constituents from Agricultural Systems
Identifying Sources of Resistance to Grain Molds and Mycotoxins in Pearl Millet
Gene Switches for Trait Improvement and Functional Genomics Applications in Forage Plants
Measurements of Stress on Stocker Cattle Grazing on Winter Wheat Pasture Using Cortisol and Blood Urea Nitrogen Concentrations in Blood
Integration of Functional Genomics and Quantative Genetics to Improve Feed Efficiency in Pigs
Molecular Identification and Phylogenetic Analyses of Unique Microorganisms from Swine Feces and Manure Storage Pits
Enhancing Dietary Phytase Enzymes Production, Utilization in Animal Nutrition and Waste Management Technologies to Reduce Environmental Impa
Clonidine As a New Strategy for Molting in Laying Hens: Stress Indicators, Alternative Method for Molting, and Practical Implication
Bioremediation of Munitions Contaminated Soil
Reducing off-Farm Grain Inputs on Northeast Organic Dairy Farms
Effects of Fat Level and Grain Processing on Nutrient Utilization by Finishing Beef Cattle Fed Diets Containing Distillers Grains
Evaluation of Sage-Grouse Habitat and Food Supply
Developing Rapid Methods of Monitoring Feeds & Animals for Precision Feeding, Improving Animal Health, Productivity, & Environmental Impact
Develop And/or Use Molecular Tools to Identify and Clone Desirable Genes from Rangeland Plants
The Role of Ponds in Reducing the Threat of Pathogen Contamination from Livestock in Agricultural Watersheds
Maintain Herds and Flocks of Experimental Livestock at Fort Reno
Great Basin Restoration Initiative Remote Sensing Project
Develop and Use Est Libraries to Identify and Clone Desirable Genes from Grasses
Use of DNA Content to Evaluate Genome Affinities of Forage and Turf Grasses
A New Paradigm for Pathogen Deposition in Porous Media: the Roles of Pore Structure and Colloid-Colloid Interactions
Use of Single Nucleotides Polymorphisms to Verify Parentage
Select, Breed, Develop And/or Use Low Maintenance Turf Grasses
Use of Single Nucleotides Polymorphisms to Verify Parentage
Forage Intake and Performance of Stocker Cattle Supplemented with Wet Sorghum and Corn Distiller's Grains
Preservation of Swine Germplasm
Models and Monitoring Protocols to Support Long-Term Monitoring of Desert Ecosystems
Southwest Carbon Sequestration Partnership-Phase Ii: Terrestrial Sequestration
The Effect of the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail (Cdnst) on Ecosystem Processes
Evaluation of Perennial Herbaceous Biomass Crops in North Dakota
Re-Establishing Native Plant Diversity in Crested Wheatgrass Stands in the Great Basin
Reduction of Nutrient Losses and Aerial Emissions from Livestock Production Facilities
Use of Nutritional Supplements to Provide Immunological Protection in Beef Cattle
Transport and Fate of Nitrate and Pathogens at Dairy Lagoon Water Application Site
Sustainable Systems for the Northern Great Plains
Understanding Phosphorus Chemistry in Manure and Soil and Their Interactions to Treat and Control Phosphorus Movement in the Environment
Safe Management and Utilization of Waste from Animal Production
Assessing Nutrient Losses, Emissions, and Pathogen Transport from Manure Application and Animal Production Sites in the Western U.S.
Innovative Animal Manure Treatment Technologies for Enhanced Environmental Quality
Anaerobic Microbiological Processes in Animal Manure Management
Poultry Manure Management Strategies to Reduce Non-Point Source Phosphorus Pollution
Efficient Management and Use of Animal Manure
Soil Application of Agricultural Waste to Improve Crop Production Systems and Environmental Quality
Benefits and Risks of Using Waste Foundry Sand for Agricultural and Horticultural Applications
Management of Nutrients from Beef Feedlots to Protect the Environment
Biological Treatment of Manure to Capture Nutrients and Transform Contaminants
Managing the Fate and Transport of Nitrogen, Carbon, and Ammonia in Animal Manures to Improve Environmental Quality
Environmentally Sound Utilization of Byproducts and Animal Wastes
Risk Assessment and Remediation of Soil and Amendment Trace Elements
The Role of Ponds in Reducing the Threat of Pathogen Contamination from Livestock in Agricultural Watersheds
Educational Opportunities Associated with Agricultural Research
Mineral Characteristics of Foundry Sand: Impacts on Soil Hydraulic Conductivity, Erosion and Plant Growth
The National Dairy Genetic Evaluation Program
Nutrient Cycling and Utilization on Organic Dairy Farms
A Regional Experiment to Evaluate Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments in the Sagebrush Steppe
Technologies for Monitoring, Management, and Remediation of Degraded Rangelands
Development and Enhancement of Genetic Evaluations for Calving Traits
Detection, Source Identification, Environmental Transport, Fate, and Treatment of Pathogenic Microorganisms Derived from Animal Wastes
Developing Tools to Predict Atmospheric Fate of Voc & Odorant Emissions from Ag Operations
Minimizing the Environmental Impact of Livestock Manures Using Integrated Management Regimens
Survival and Transport of Pathogens from Animal Production Systems Within Landscapes of the Southeastern Usa
Association of Imprinted Genes with Reproductive Efficiency in Swine
Grazing and Range Improvement Investigations with Beef Cattle
Transport and Fate of Nitrate and Pathogens at Dairy Lagoon Water Application Site
Evaluation and Production of Enhanced White Clover and Alfalfa Germplasm
Clonidine As a New Strategy for Molting in Laying Hens: Stress Indicators, Alternative Method for Molting, and Practical Implication
Conservation of Manure Nutrients and Odorant Reduction in Swine and Cattle Confinement Facilities
Efficient Management and Use of Animal Manure to Protect Human Health and Environmental Quality
Long-Term Ecological Research on the Shortgrass Steppe
Ecological and Management Research on the Shortgrass Steppe
Ruminal Lysine Degradation
Genetic and Environmental Parameters for Yield Traits Across Varying Herd Sizes, Production Levels and Lactation Number
Characterization of Clinical Strains of Enterohemorrhagic E. Coli (Ehec)
Sustainable Disturbance Levels for Military Training in the Southwestern United States
Application of Bioinformatics to Livestock Genomes
Establish a General Framework for Cooperation and Coordination of Rangeland Research Having Regional Or National Application
Characterization, Management and Monitoring of the Shortgrass Steppe Rangeland Ecosystem
Develop and Evaluate Plants for Improved Livestock Performance
Assess Levels of Pathogenic E. Coli in the Anacostia and Potomac Rivers
Reducing Ammonia Levels in Broiler Houses

A physical map of the bovine genome - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Snelling, W.M., Chiu, R., Schein, J.E., Hobbs, M., Abbey, C.A., Adelson, D.L., Aerts, J., Bennett, G.L., Bosdet, I.E., Boussaha, M., Brauning, R., Caetano, A.R., Costa, M.M., Crawford, A.M., Dalrymple, B.P., Eggen, A., Everts-Van Der Wind, A., Floriot, S., Gautier, M., Gill, C.A., Green, R.D., Holt, R., Jann, O., Jones, S.J., Kappes, S.M., Keele, J.W., De Jong, P.J., Larkin, D.M., Lewin, H.A., Mcewan, J.C., Mckay, S., Marra, M.A., Mathewson, C.A., Matukumalli, L.K., Moore, S.S., Murdoch, B., Nicholas, F.W., Osoegawa, K., Roy, A., Salih, H., Schibler, L., Schnabel, R.D., Silveri, L., Skow, L.C., Smith, T.P., Sonstegard, T.S., Taylor, J.F., Tellam, R., Van Tassell, C.P., Williams, J.L., Womack, J.E., Wye, N.H., Yang, G., Zhao, S. 2007. A physical map of the bovine genome. Genome Biology. 8:R165 (17 pp).
Genomics and vaccine development - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gay, C.G., Zuerner, R., Bannantine, J.P., Lillehoj, H.S., Zhu, J., Green, R.D., Pastoret, P.P. 2007. Genomics and vaccine development. OIE Rev. Sci Tech. 26:49-67.
Identifying the Future Needs for Long-Term USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Green, R.D., Qureshi, M.A., Long, J.A., Burfening, P.J., Hamernik, D.L. 2007. Identifying the future needs for long-term usda efforts in agricultural animal genomics. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 3:185-191.
Program Teams
Food Animal Production (101) (co-leader)
Rangeland, Pasture, and Forages (205)
Manure and Byproduct Utilization (206)
Pasture, Forage and Range Land Systems (215) (co-leader)
Last Modified: 05/08/2009
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