Key Policy Letters Signed by the Education Secretary or Deputy Secretary
June 14, 2001

Honorable Betsy Brand
American Youth Policy Forum
1836 Jefferson Place, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

Dear Ms. Brand:

Thank you for your letter regarding high school reform and its place in the President's education agenda. We appreciate your interest and the concern shared by you and your colleagues. Thank you also for your congratulatory note. I am honored to serve as Secretary of Education.

President Bush has made improving the quality of our Nation's elementary and secondary schools his top priority. No Child Left Behind, the President's framework for elementary and secondary education reform, would apply proven strategies to strengthen Federal support for State and local efforts to improve our schools. These strategies include high State standards, annual testing of all students in grades three through eight in reading and math, increased accountability for student performance, reduced bureaucracy and greater flexibility for States, school districts, and schools, and expanded options for parents to make choices for their children's education.

The President's proposal for reform would support local efforts to improve the quality of education that our Nation's secondary school students receive. Among the President's proposals that specifically would address secondary education are:

The President and I are concerned about the preparation and achievement of all our Nation's students. As you suggest, my experience as a superintendent of schools has made me very aware of the challenges faced in our secondary schools and of the importance of the high school experience. The Administration's proposal supports broad-based education reform with secondary schools fully in mind. We look forward to working with you and the American Youth Policy Forum. Together, we can close the achievement gap and ensure that all students have an opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. Thank you for your offer of support and for sharing your concerns.



Rod Paige

Last Modified: 09/15/2004