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Border 2012Waste Policy Forum
    Land Contamination: Scrap Tires

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Scrap tires along the Mexico border

Click to learn where tire piles are in the border.

Scrap tires along the Mexico border

Millions of scrap tires contaminate the U.S.-Mexico Border region, posing a serious threat to the environment and public health. Improperly managed in stockpiles, illegal dumps, and scattered along road sides, scrap tires are a significant border environmental problem. Along with being ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes, rats and other disease vectors, tire piles are fire hazards that, if ablaze, can generate acute air, water and land contamination.

Roughly 4 million of the border's tires were cleaned-up from 2003-2008 by Border 2012 partners. The majority of these recovered tires were used as fuel in cement kilns. Pilot road paving projects and other innovative, experimental re-use projects have also taken place in the border region. The removal of these tires means a reduction in the risk of mosquito-borne diseases for populations located near the border along with reducing the number of tire fires.

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