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Models & Methods

Important: Use Measured Data if Available

Screening-level methods have inherent uncertainties and should not be used to replace measured data from properly conducted studies.

This page lists screening-level models and methods used in the Sustainable Futures Initiative to screen chemicals for potential hazards or risk. Screening models should not be used if measured data are available and model results must be carefully interpreted. Read information on how to properly interpret results from these models using EPA's New Chemicals Program criteria provided in the Interpretative Assistance documents. Access presentations on these models and methods from EPA Sustainable Futures training sessions.

EPI Suite™ estimates physical / chemical properties (melting point, water solubility, etc.) and environmental fate properties (breakdown in water or air, etc.) which can indicate where a chemical will go in the environment and how long it will stay there.
Download EPI Suite

ECOSAR predicts toxicity of chemicals released into water to aquatic life (fish, algae and invertebrates).
Download ECOSAR

PBT Profiler screens chemicals for potential to persist, bioaccumulate, and be toxic.
PBT Profiler (model is an online tool and cannot be downloaded)

OncoLogic™ is a computer software program designed to predict the potential cancer-causing effects of a chemical by applying the rules of structure activity relationship (SAR) analysis and incorporating knowledge of how chemicals cause cancer in animals and humans.
Download OncoLogic

NonCancer Screening Protocol is a stepwise process (not a computerized method) useful for screening untested chemicals for non-cancer health effects and is described in the P2 Framework Manual June 2005 (PDF) (178 pp., 4.5MB) and is provided here in HTM format.
Download NonCancer Screening Protocol

E-FAST estimates chemical releases and dose rates to humans from these releases.
Download E-FAST

ChemSTEER estimates environmental releases and worker exposures resulting from chemical manufacture, processing, and/or use in industrial and commercial workplaces.
Download ChemSTEER

New Methods Developed through Sustainable Futures
Under the umbrella of Sustainable Futures, industry partners, environmental advocates, and EPA staff members have worked together to develop new screening methods that are being made publicly available at no cost. Many of the new methods capture expertise of EPA experts. One example is the PBT Profiler, which was developed by EPA together with representatives from leading chemical companies, chemical trade associations, and Environmental Defense, an NGO, and was released to the public in September 2002. The PBT Profiler, which uses a subset of EPI SuiteT models, was designed to assist the user in interpretation of results by automatically comparing estimations to EPA criteria.

Analog Identification Methodology (AIM)
EPA is currently developing the Analog Identification Methodology (AIM) to address needs identified by participants in the Sustainable Futures Initiative. AIM is expected to be released to the public in 2009. For chemicals lacking data, identifying a close analog with measured data is the most challenging step in using screening models and quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) methods that predict the toxicity of chemicals based on their structural similarity to chemicals for which toxicity data are available. AIM is being developed to identify close analogs that have measured data and it points to sources where those data can be found. Like the PBT Profiler, AIM will be available for use on-line and at no cost. For additional information on AIM, view the presentation or contact us.

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