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Four Steps to Graduation

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Companies who submit new chemical notices to EPA are welcome to participate in Sustainable Futures. Once they meet the requirements to graduate, they become eligible for expedited review of subsequent prescreened low hazard, low risk new chemical notices, a major benefit of participating in Sustainable Futures.

Step 1: Take Training

Take training to become competent in the proper use of chemical risk screening models. Participants must take training to understand the Sustainable Futures Initiative and acquire an understanding of the scope, applicability, interpretation, and limitations of chemical hazard, exposure, and risk screening tools that can be used to conduct screening level assessments on chemicals based on an analysis of chemical structure or other considerations. Sustainable Futures Partners are offering fee-for-service training in proper use of the Sustainable Futures models. Get information on available training sessions or arrange to host a session.

Step 2: Use Screening Models

Use chemical- risk screening models, such as the Sustainable Futures models to develop new chemical notices. Participants must apply hazard and exposure screening models, where appropriate, to gain hazard-, exposure-, and risk-related information on alternative chemicals or processes under consideration in the research and development and product development stages (i.e., before submission of a PMN). Use of chemical risk-screening models and methods other than the Sustainable Futures models is also acceptable.

Step 3: Submit Sustainable Futures PMNs

Submit five Sustainable Futures PMNs that have the information requested and that are not regulated by EPA. PMNs that are acceptable will count towards graduation. An example of a Sustainable Futures PMN has been developed to show the kinds of information that should be included in the submission that will indicate to EPA how the use of the screening models informed the submitter's judgment in development of the PMN. Submissions should include:

Sustainable Futures PMN Example

A Sustainable Futures PMN example (PDF) (55 pp, 3.4MB, About PDF) has been developed using the chemical isodecyl acrylate (CAS 1330-61-6) to illustrate the kinds of information to be included in a Sustainable Futures PMN. This example is for illustration only. Please note, the example of a PMN submitted under Sustainable Futures is not Section 508 compliant. If you need assistance, you may contact Maggie Johnson, 202-564-8924 or Kelly Mayo-Bean, 202-564-7662.

PMNs submitted by Sustainable Futures participants should include the kinds of information recorded in either the Sustainable Futures Summary Assessment Worksheet or in the Sustainable Futures Chemical Hazard - Risk Screening Single Page Information Sheet (PDF) (1 pg, 34K, About PDF) as attachments to the PMN, or exemption, they submit under the Sustainable Futures Initiative. Types of data and screening assessments included in notices submitted under Sustainable Futures will vary.

Step 4: Notify EPA of Eligibility

Tell EPA you are ready to graduate and become eligible for Expedited Review of subsequent prescreened low hazard, low risk PMNs. As explained in the Federal Register Notice announcing the Sustainable Futures Initiative participants should write to the director of OPPT's Chemical Control Division (address below) and provide the following non-CBI documentation:

Mail the information listed above to:

Director, Chemical Control Division (7405M)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20460

Please also email a PDF of the original documents to:
Bill Waugh, 202-564-7657,
Maggie Johnson, 202-564-8924, or
Kelly Mayo, 202-564-7662.

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