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Senior U.S. Official Visits Turkmenistan Model Community

In June, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Evan A. Feigenbaum met with the USAID-supported community of Saglyk, in the Ahal Region, as part of a four-day official visit to Turkmenistan.

With help from USAID and Counterpart International, Saglyk residents built a new irrigation system and learned the basics of self-governance. Irrigation improvements increased the local yield of fruit and vegetables, generating more income for the community. Saglyk also became a model of efficient governance, by promoting participatory decision-making and social partnership.

Impressed by the community’s transformation, neighboring villages are now eager to replicate Saglyk’s experience. The local government is also enthusiastic about cooperating with community activists and supporting community-driven initiatives. In fact, government representatives stress that engaged citizens as those in Saglyk are the key to solving local-level social and economic issues.

Saglyk community members shared photos and stories with Assistant Secretary Feigenbaum during his visit
Saglyk community members shared photos and stories with Assistant Secretary Feigenbaum during his visit

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Fri, 31 Aug 2007 15:54:58 -0500