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EPA and NOAA Receive Technology Award for CAMEO

(Sacramento, Calif.)  The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency received the annual Innovation and Technology Award on Sept. 5 from the 2007 Continuing Challenge HazMat Emergency Response Workshop held in Sacramento.

The award to the CAMEO Team at NOAA and EPA was for the development and promotion of the Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations software commonly called by its acronym, CAMEO.

The CAMEO Team was nominated for the award by Deputy Fire Marshal Kevin Smith of the Chino Valley Fire District in Calif.  Smith said, “The CAMEO Team was nominated for this award because of the excellence of the CAMEO software, its provision free-of-charge to emergency responders and emergency planners, and the CAMEO Team’s continued support to upgrade and improve the capabilities of the CAMEO suite of programs.  CAMEO is indeed one of the best information tools available to emergency planners and responders in a hazardous materials event.”

He added, “CAMEO is a free software suite of programs provided by the federal government.  CAMEO includes a database of more than 6,000 chemicals, an air modeling and explosion modeling program, and a mapping program, all of which work together.” 

The Continuing Challenge HazMat Workshop is the largest annual workshop for HazMat emergency responders in the western United States.  The 2007 workshop, held Sept. 4 to 7, was the 18th annual.  The workshop provides sessions in training and information concerning hazardous materials response and terrorism preparedness. 

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