In Progress
Calendar Year 2009
- Cont. #: 3330
Feely, R.A., C.L. Sabine, D. Greeley, R.H. Byrne, J.C. Orr, and F. Millero (2009): Present and future changes of the carbonate system in the global oceans. Global Change Newsletter, 73, April 2009.
- Cont. #: 3328
Feely, R.A., C.L. Sabine, F.J. Millero, C. Langdon, A.G. Dickson, R.A. Fine, J.L. Bullister, D.A. Hansell, C.A. Carlson, A.P. McNichol, R.M. Key, R.H. Byrne, and R. Wanninkhof (2009): Carbon dioxide, hydrographic, and chemical data obtained during the R/Vs Roger Revelle and Thomas G. Thompson repeat hydrography cruises in the Pacific Ocean: CLIVAR CO2 sections P16S_2005 (6 Jan–19 Feb 2005) and P16N_2006 (13 F. ORNL/CDIAC-155, NDP-090, A. Kozyr (ed.), Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN, 56 pp.
- Cont. #: 3279
Michalak, A.M., R. Jackson, G. Marland, and C. Sabine (2009): The U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Plan: First Meeting of the Carbon Cycle Science Working Group; Washington, D.C., 17-18 November 2008. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(12), 102–103. [PDF Version]
Calendar Year 2008
- Cont. #: 3132
Cronin, M.F., C. Meinig, C.L. Sabine, H. Ichikawa, and H. Tomita (2008): Surface mooring network in the Kuroshio Extension. IEEE Systems Special Issue on GEOSS, 2(3), 424–430.
- Cont. #: 3210
Fabry, V.J., C. Langdon, W.M. Balch, A.G. Dickson, R.A. Feely, B. Hales, D.A. Hutchins, J.A. Kleypas, and C.L. Sabine (2008): Ocean acidification's effects on marine ecosystems and biogeochemistry. Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Scoping Workshop on Ocean Acidification Research; La Jolla, CA, 9–11 October 2007. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(15), 143. [PDF Version]
- Cont. #: 3087
Feely, R.A., C.L. Sabine, J.M. Hernandez-Ayon, D. Ianson, and B. Hales (2008): Evidence for upwelling of corrosive "acidified" water onto the Continental Shelf. Science, 320(5882), doi: 10.1126/science.1155676, 1490–1492.
- Cont. #: 3224
Feely, R.A., C.L. Sabine, J.M. Hernandez-Ayon, D. Ianson, and B. Hales (2008): Evidence for upwelling of corrosive "acidified" water onto the continental shelf. Science Express, 22 May 2008, doi: 10.1126/science.1155676.
- Cont. #: 3220
Feely, R.A., C.L. Sabine, F.J. Millero, A.G. Dickson, R.A. Fine, C.A. Carlson, J. Toole, T.M. Joyce, W.M. Smethie, A.P. McNichol, and R.M. Key (2008): Carbon dioxide, hydrographic, and chemical data obtained during the R/V Knorr repeat hydrography cruises in the Atlantic Ocean: CLIVAR CO2 sections A20_2003 (22 September–20 October 2003) and A22_2003 (23 October–13 November, 2003). ORNL/CDIAC-154, NDP-089, A. Kozyr (ed.), Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN, 46 pp. [PDF Version]
- Cont. #: 3203
Kamphaus, R., M. Cronin, C. Sabine, S. Emerson, C. Meinig, and M. Robert (2008): New surface mooring at Station Papa monitors climate. PICES Press, 16(2), 26–27.
- Cont. #: 3093
Mecking, S., C. Langdon, R.A. Feely, C.L. Sabine, C.A. Deutsch, and D.-H. Min (2008): Climate variability in the North Pacific thermocline
diagnosed from oxygen measurements: An update based on the U.S. CLIVAR/CO2 Repeat Hydrography cruises. Global Biogeochem. Cy., 22, GB3015, doi: 10.1029/2007GB003101.
- Cont. #: 3091
Sabine, C.L., R.A. Feely, F.J. Millero, A.G. Dickson, C. Langdon, S. Mecking, and D. Greeley (2008): Decadal changes in Pacific carbon. J. Geophys. Res., 113, C07021, doi: 10.1029/2007JC004577.
- Cont. #: 3249
Sabine, C.L., R.A. Feely, and R. Wanninkhof (2008): The global ocean carbon cycle. In State of the Climate in 2007, D. H. Levinson and J. H. Lawrimore (eds.). Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 89(7), S52–S56.
Calendar Year 2007
- Cont. #: 2980
Berelson, W.M., W.M. Balch, R. Najjar, R.A. Feely, C. Sabine, and K. Lee (2007): Relating estimates of CaCO3 production, export, and dissolution in the water column to measurements of CaCO3 rain into sediment traps and dissolution on the sea floor: A revised global carbonate budget. Global Biogeochem. Cy., 21, GB1024, doi: 10.1029/2006GB002803.
- Cont. #: 3258
Bindoff, N.L., J. Willebrand, V. Artale, A. Cazenave, J.M. Gregory, S. Gulev, K. Hanawa, C. Le Quéré, S. Levitus, Y. Nojiri, C.K. Shum, L.D. Talley, A.S. Unnikrishnan, J. Antonov, N.R. Bates, T. Boyer, D. Chambers, B. Chao, J. Church, R. Curry, S. Emerson, R. Feely, H. Garcia, M. González-Davíla, N. Gruber, S. Josey, T. Joyce, K. Kim, B. King, A. Koertzinger, K. Lambeck, K. Laval, N. Lefevre, E. Leuliette, R. Marsh, C. Mauritzen, M. McPhaden, C. Millot, C. Milly, R. Molinari, R.S. Nerem, T. Ono, M. Pahlow, T.-H. Peng, A. Proshutinsky, B. Qiu, D. Quadfasel, S. Rahmstorf, S. Rintoul, M. Rixen, P. Rizzoli, C. Sabine, D. Sahagian, F. Schott, Y. Song, D. Stammer, T. Suga, C. Sweeney, M. Tamisiea, M. Tsimplis, R. Wanninkhof, J. Willis, A.P.S. Wong, P. Woodworth, I. Yashayaev, and I. Yasuda (2007): Chapter 5—Observations: Oceanic climate change and sea level. In Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Solomon S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor, and H.L. Miller (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, U.S.A., 385–428.
- Cont. #: 3066
Birdsey, R.A., R. Cook, S. Denning, P. Griffith, B.E. Law, J. Masek, A.M. Michalak, S. Ogle, D. Ojima, Y. Pan, C.L. Sabine, E. Sheffner, and E.T. Sundquist (2007): Investigators share improved understanding of the North American Carbon Cycle. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(24), doi: 10.1029/2007EO240004.
- Cont. #: 3122
Caldeira, K., D. Archer, J.P. Barry, R.G.J. Bellerby, P.G. Brewer, L. Cao, A.G. Dickson, S.C. Doney, H. Elderfield, V.J. Fabry, R.A. Feely, J.-P. Gattuso, P.M. Haugan, O. Hoegh-Guldberg, A.K. Jain, J.A. Kleypas, C. Langdon, J.C. Orr, A. Ridgwell, C.L. Sabine, B.A. Seibel, Y. Shirayama, C. Turley, A.J. Watson, and R.E. Zeebe (2007): Comment on "Modern-age buildup of CO2 and its effects on seawater acidity and salinity" by Hugo A. Loáiciga. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L18608, doi: 10.1029/2006GL027288.
- Cont. #: 3259
Denman, K.L., G. Brasseur, A. Chidthaisong, P. Ciais, P.M. Cox, R.E. Dickinson, D. Hauglustaine, C. Heinze, E. Holland, D. Jacob, U. Lohmann, S. Ramachandran, P. Leite da Silva Dias, S.C. Wofsy, X. Zhang, D. Archer, V. Arora, J. Austin, D. Baker, J.A. Berry, R. Betts, G. Bonan, P. Bousquet, J. Canadell, J. Christian, D.A. Clark, M. Dameris, F. Dentener, D. Easterling, V. Eyring, J. Feichter, P. Friedlingstein, I. Fung, S. Fuzzi, S. Gong, N. Gruber, A. Guenther, K. Gurney, A. Henderson-Sellers, J. House, A. Jones, C. Jones, B. Kärcher, M. Kawamiya, K. Lassey, C. Le Quéré, C. Leck, J. Lee-Taylor, Y. Malhi, K. Masarie, G. McFiggans, S. Menon, J.B. Miller, P. Peylin, A. Pitman, J. Quaas, M. Raupach, P. Rayner, G. Rehder, U. Riebesell, C. Rödenbeck, L. Rotstayn, N. Roulet, C. Sabine, M.G. Schultz, M. Schulz, S.E. Schwartz, W. Steffen, D. Stevenson, Y. Tian, K.E. Trenberth, T. Van Noije, O. Wild, T. Zhang, and L. Zhou (2007): Chapter 7—Couplings between changes in the climate system and biogeochemistry. In Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Solomon S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor, and H.L. Miller (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, U.S.A., 499–587.
- Cont. #: 3182
Dickson, A.G., C.L. Sabine, and J.R. Christian (eds.) (2007): Guide to best practices for ocean CO2 measurements. PICES Special Publication 3, 191 pp.
- Cont. #: 3068
Reay, D.S., C.L. Sabine, P. Smith, and G. Hymus (2007): Spring-time for sinks. Nature, 446(7137), doi: 10.1038/446727a, 727–728.
- Cont. #: 3103
Reay, D.S., P. Smith, G. Hymus, and C. Sabine (2007): New Directions: The changing role of the terrestrial carbon sink in determining atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Atmos. Environ., 41(27), 5813–5815.
- Cont. #: 2854
Sabine, C.L., and R.A. Feely (2007): The oceanic sink for carbon dioxide. In Greenhouse Gas Sinks, D. Reay, N. Hewitt, J. Grace, and K. Smith (eds.), CABI Publishing, Oxfordshire, UK, 31–49.
- Cont. #: 3045
Sabine, C.L., R.A. Feely, and R. Wanninkhof (2007): 3. Global Oceans; f. Global ocean carbon cycle — in State of the Climate in 2006, A. Arguez (ed.).. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 88 (suppl.)(6), S40–S43.
- Cont. #: 2884
Sonnerup, R.E., A.P. McNichol, P.D. Quay, R.H. Gammon, J.L. Bullister, C.L. Sabine, and R.D. Slater (2007): Anthropogenic delta13C changes in the North Pacific Ocean reconstructed using a multiparameter mixing approach (MIX). Tellus, 59B, 303–317.
Calendar Year 2006
- Cont. #: 2589
Bates, N.R., A.C. Pequignet, and C.L. Sabine (2006): Ocean carbon cycling in the Indian Ocean: I. Spatio-temporal variability of inorganic carbon and air-sea gas exchange. Global Biogeochem. Cy., 20(3), GB3020, doi: 10.1029/2005GB002491.
- Cont. #: 2772
Bates, N.R., A.C. Pequignet, and C.L. Sabine (2006): Ocean carbon cycling in the Indian Ocean: II. Estimates of net community production. Global Biogeochem. Cy., 20(3), GB3021, doi: 10.1029/2005GB002492.
- Cont. #: 2958
Cronin, M.F., C. Meinig, and C.L. Sabine (2006): Flux mooring for the north Pacific's western boundary current: Kuroshio Extension Observatory (KEO). In Annual Report on The State of the Ocean and the Ocean Observing System for Climate, Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2005, J.M. Levy (ed.), NOAA/Climate Program Office/Office of Climate Observation, 159162.
- Cont. #: 2899
Feely, R.A., C.L. Sabine, and V.J. Fabry (2006): Carbon dioxide and our ocean legacy: Clear the air and conserve our ocean legacy. Brochure, National Environmental Trust, Washington, D.C., 4 pp. [PDF Version]
- Cont. #: 2960
Feely, R.A., R. Wanninkhof, C. Sabine, G. Johnson, M. Baringer, J. Bullister, C.W. Mordy, and J.-Z. Zhang (2006): Global repeat hydrographic/CO2/tracer surveys in support of CLIVAR and global carbon cycle objectives: Carbon inventories and fluxes. In Annual Report on The State of the Ocean and the Ocean Observing System for Climate, Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2005, J.M. Levy (ed.), NOAA/Climate Program Office/Office of Climate Observation, 196206.
- Cont. #: 2965
Feely, R.A., R. Wanninkhof, C.L. Sabine, T.-H. Peng, R. Key, F. Millero, A. Dickson, A. Kozyr, and S.C. Hankin (2006): Management of NOAA's carbon monitoring network, Project 1: CLIVAR/CO2 repeat hydrography program CO2 synthesis science team; Project 2: An end-to-end data management system for ocean pCO2 measurements; etc.. In Annual Report on The State of the Ocean and the Ocean Observing System for Climate, Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2005, J.M. Levy (ed.), NOAA/Climate Program Office/Office of Climate Observation, 268281.
- Cont. #: 2974
Freitag, H.P., M.J. McPhaden, M.F. Cronin, C.L. Sabine, D.C. McClurg, and P.D. McLain (2006): PMEL Contributions to the OceanSITES Program. In Oceans 2006: Revolutionizing Marine Science and Technology, MTS/IEEE, Boston, MA, 18–21 September 2006, paper 060425-01.
- Cont. #: 2897
Kleypas, J.A., R.A. Feely, V.J. Fabry, C. Langdon, C.L. Sabine, and L.L. Robbins (2006): Impacts of ocean acidification on coral reefs and other marine calcifiers: A guide to future research. Report of a workshop held 18–20 April 2005, St. Petersburg, FL, sponsored by NSF, NOAA, and the U.S. Geological Survey, 88 pp. [PDF Version]
- Cont. #: 2938
Lee, K., L.T. Tong, F.J. Millero, C.L. Sabine, A.G. Dickson, C. Goyet, G.-H. Park, R. Wanninkhof, R.A. Feely, and R.M. Key (2006): Global relationships of total alkalinity with salinity and temperature in surface waters of the world's oceans. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L19605, doi: 10.1029/2006GL027207.
- Cont. #: 2762
Sabine, C.L. (2006): Global Carbon Cycle. In Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, http://www.els.net/ (doi: 10.1038/npg.els.0003).
- Cont. #: 2962
Sabine, C.L., F. Chavez, and N. Bates (2006): High resolution ocean and atmosphere pCO2 time-series measurements. In Annual Report on The State of the Ocean and the Ocean Observing System for Climate, Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2005, J.M. Levy (ed.), NOAA/Climate Program Office/Office of Climate Observation, 222228.
- Cont. #: 2891
Sabine, C.L., R.A. Feely, and R. Wanninkhof (2006): Global Oceans: Ocean carbon. In State of the Climate in 2005, K.A. Shein (ed.), Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 87(6), S29–S30.
- Cont. #: 2902
Sabine, C.L., R.A. Feely, and R. Wanninkhof (2006): The Global Ocean Carbon Cycle: Inventories, sources and sinks. In Annual Report on The State of the Ocean and the Ocean Observing System for Climate, Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2005, J.M. Levy (ed.), NOAA/Climate Program Office/Office of Climate Observation, 97–104.
- Cont. #: 2901
Sabine, C.L., and N. Gruber (2006): Introduction to special section: North Pacific Carbon Cycle Variability and Climate Change. J. Geophys. Res., 111(C7), C07S01, doi: 10.1029/2006JC003532.
Calendar Year 2005
- Cont. #: 2835
Caldeira, K., M. Akai, P. Brewer, B. Chen, P. Haugan, T. Iwama, P. Johnston, H. Kheshgi, Q. Li, T. Ohsumi, H. Pörtner, C. Sabine, Y. Shirayama, and J. Thomson (2005): Ocean Storage. Chapter 6 in IPCC Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage, Metz, B., O. Davidson, H.C. de Coninck, M. Loos, and L.A. Meyer (eds.), Prepared by Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 277–317.
- Cont. #: 2820
Cronin, M.F., C. Meinig, and C.L. Sabine (2005): Flux mooring for the North Pacific's western boundary current: Kuroshio Extension Observatory (KEO). In The State of the Ocean and the Ocean Observing System for Climate, Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2004, NOAA/OGP/Office of Climate Observation, Section 3.13a, 142146.
- Cont. #: 2779
Feely, R.A., L.D. Talley, G.C. Johnson, C.L. Sabine, and R. Wanninkhof (2005): Repeat hydrography cruises reveal chemical changes in the North Atlantic. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(42), 399, 404–405.
- Cont. #: 2829
Feely, R.A., R. Wanninkhof, C. Sabine, G. Johnson, M. Baringer, J. Bullister, C.W. Mordy, and J.-Z. Zhang (2005): 2005 Plans, Global repeat hydrographic/CO2/tracer surveys in support of CLIVAR and global carbon cycle objectives: Carbon inventories and fluxes. In The State of the Ocean and the Ocean Observing System for Climate, Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2004, NOAA/OGP/Office of Climate Observation, Section 3.14b, 298–300.
- Cont. #: 2821
Feely, R.A., R. Wanninkhof, C. Sabine, G. Johnson, M. Baringer, J. Bullister, C.W. Mordy, and J.-Z. Zhang (2005): Global repeat hydrographic/CO2/tracer surveys in support of CLIVAR and global carbon cycle objectives: Carbon inventories and fluxes. In The State of the Ocean and the Ocean Observing System for Climate, Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2004, NOAA/OGP/Office of Climate Observation, Section 3.15a, 149168.
- Cont. #: 2726
Orr, J.C., V.J. Fabry, O. Aumont, L. Bopp, S.C. Doney, R.A. Feely, A. Gnanadesikan, N. Gruber, A. Ishida, F. Joos, R.M. Key, K. Lindsay, E. Maier-Reimer, R. Matear, P. Monfray, A. Mouchet, R.G. Najjar, G.-K. Plattner, K.B. Rodgers, C.L. Sabine, J.L. Sarmiento, R. Schlitzer, R.D. Slater, I. Totterdell, M.-F. Weirig, Y. Yamanaka, and A. Yool (2005): Anthropogenic ocean acidification over the twenty-first century and its impact on calcifying organisms. Nature, 437(7059), 681686.
- Cont. #: 2827
Sabine, C. (2005): High-resolution ocean and atmosphere pCO2 time-series measurements. In The State of the Ocean and the Ocean Observing System for Climate, Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2004, NOAA/OGP/Office of Climate Observation, Section 3.32a, 246253.
- Cont. #: 2773
Sabine, C.L. (2005): Carbon cycle changes in the North Pacific. PICES Press, 13(1), 3236.
- Cont. #: 2813
Sabine, C.L., and N. Gruber (2005): Response to Comment on "The Ocean Sink for Anthropogenic CO2". Science, 308(5729), 1743d.
- Cont. #: 2776
Sabine, C.L., R.M. Key, A. Kozyr, R.A. Feely, R. Wanninkhof, F.J. Millero, T.-H. Peng, J.L. Bullister, and K. Lee (2005): Global Ocean Data Analysis Project (GLODAP): Results and data. ORNL/CDIAC-145, NDP-083, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN, 110 pp. plus 6 Appendices. [PDF Version]
Calendar Year 2004
- Cont. #: 2583
Chung, S.-N., G.-H. Park, K. Lee, R.M. Key, F.J. Millero, R.A. Feely, C.L. Sabine, and P.G. Falkowski (2004): Postindustrial enhancement of aragonite undersaturation in the upper tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean: The role of fossil fuel CO2. Limnol. Oceanogr., 14(2), 17.
- Cont. #: 2590
Doney, S.C., R. Anderson, J. Bishop, K. Caldeira, C. Carlson, M.-E. Carr, R. Feely, M. Hood, C. Hopkinson, R. Jahnke, D. Karl, J. Kleypas, C. Lee, R. Letelier, C. McClain, C. Sabine, J. Sarmiento, B. Stephens, and R. Weller (2004): Ocean carbon and climate change: An implementation strategy for U.S. ocean carbon research. In A report of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Carbon Cycle Interagency Working Group, National Science Foundation, 108 pp.
- Cont. #: 2633
Feely, R.A., C.L. Sabine, K. Lee, W. Berelson, J. Kleypas, V.J. Fabry, and F.J. Millero (2004): Impact of anthropogenic CO2 on the CaCO3 system in the oceans. Science, 305(5682), 362366.
- Cont. #: 2512
Feely, R.A., C.L. Sabine, R. Schlitzer, J.L. Bullister, S. Mecking, and D. Greeley (2004): Oxygen utilization and organic carbon remineralization in the upper water column of the Pacific Ocean. J. Oceanogr., 60(1), 4552.
- Cont. #: 2528
Johnson, G.C., C.L. Sabine, K.E. McTaggart, and J.M. Hummon (2004): Physical oceanographic conditions during GasEx 2001. J. Geophys. Res., 109(C8), C08S04, doi: 10.1029/2002JC001718.
- Cont. #: 2665
Key, R.M., A. Kozyr, C.L. Sabine, K. Lee, R. Wanninkhof, J.L. Bullister, R.A. Feely, F.J. Millero, and T.-H. Peng (2004): A global ocean carbon climatology: Results from Global Data Analysis Project (GLODAP). Global Biogeochem. Cy., 18, GB4031, doi: 10.1029/2004GB002247.
- Cont. #: 2683
Sabine, C.L., R.A. Feely, N. Gruber, R.M. Key, K. Lee, J.L. Bullister, R. Wanninkhof, C.S Wong, D.W.R. Wallace, B. Tilbrook, F.J. Millero, T.-H. Peng, A. Kozyr, T. Ono, and A.F. Rios (2004): The oceanic sink for anthropogenic CO2. Science, 305(5682), 367371.
- Cont. #: 2538
Sabine, C.L., R.A. Feely, G.C. Johnson, P.G. Strutton, M.F. Lamb, and K.E. McTaggart (2004): A mixed layer carbon budget for the GasEx-2001 experiment. J. Geophys. Res., 109(C8), C08S05, doi: 10.1029/2002JC001747.
- Cont. #: 2618
Sabine, C.L., R.A. Feely, Y.W. Watanabe, and M.F. Lamb (2004): Temporal evolution of the north Pacific CO2 uptake rate. J. Oceanogr., 60(1), 515.
- Cont. #: 2570
Sabine, C.L., M. Heimann, P. Artaxo, D. Bakker, C.-T.A. Chen, C.B. Field, N. Gruber, C. LeQuéré, R.G. Prinn, J.E. Richey, P.R. Lankao, J. Sathaye, and R. Valentini (2004): Current status and past trends of the global carbon cycle. Chapter 2 in SCOPE 62, The Global Carbon Cycle: Integrating Humans, Climate, and the Natural World, C.B. Field and M.R. Raupach (eds.), Island Press, Washington D.C., 1744.
- Cont. #: 2749
Sabine, C.L., L. Juranek, C. Lee, D. Nicholson, and A. Ver (2004): Understanding North Pacific carbon cycle changes. Eos Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 85(42), 419, 421.
Calendar Year 2003
- Cont. #: 2508
Chung, S., K. Lee, R.A. Feely, C.L. Sabine, F.J. Millero, R. Wanninkhof, J.L. Bullister, R.M. Key, and T.-H. Peng (2003): Calcium carbonate budget in the Atlantic Ocean based on water column inorganic carbon chemistry. Global Biogeochem. Cy., 17(4), 1093, doi: 10.1029/2002GB002001.
- Cont. #: 2473
Feely, R.A., Y. Nojiri, A. Dickson, C.L. Sabine, M.F. Lamb, and T. Ono (2003): CO2 in the North Pacific Ocean, PICES Working Group 13 Final Report. PICES Scientific Report No. 24, 2003, 49 pp.
- Cont. #: 2379
Gloor, M., N. Gruber, J.L. Sarmiento, C.L. Sabine, R.A. Feely, and C. Rödenbeck (2003): A first estimate of present and preindustrial air-sea CO2 flux patterns based on ocean interior carbon measurements and models. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(1), 1010, doi: 10.1029/2002GL015594.
- Cont. #: 2611
Johnson, K.M., R.M. Key, F.J. Millero, C.L. Sabine, D.W.R Wallace, C.D. Winn, L. Arlen, K. Erickson, K. Friis, Meridith Galanter, J. Goen, R. Rotter, C. Thomas, R. Wilke, T. Takahashi, and S.C. Sutherland (2003): Carbon dioxide, hydrographic, and chemical data obtained during the R/V Knorr cruises 147-2, 151-2, 151-3, and 151-4 in the north Atlantic Ocean on WOCE sections AR24 (Nov. 2Dec. 5, 1996) and A24, A20, and A22 (May 30Sept. 3, 1997). ORNL/CDIAC-143, NDP-082, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN, 34 pp.
- Cont. #: 2563
Lee, K., S.-D. Choi, G.-H. Park, R. Wanninkhof, T.-H. Peng, R.M. Key, C.L. Sabine, R.A. Feely, J.L. Bullister, F.J. Millero, and A. Kozyr (2003): An updated anthropogenic CO2 inventory in the Atlantic Ocean. Global Biogeochem. Cy., 17(4), 1116, doi: 10.1029/2003GB002067.
- Cont. #: 2322
Sabine, C.L. (2003): Carbon dioxide in the ocean and atmosphere. In Water: Science and Issues, E.J. Dasch (ed.), Vol. 1, Macmillan Reference USA, New York, 107111.
- Cont. #: 2561
Sabine, C.L., and M. Hood (2003): Ocean carbon scientists organize to achieve better coordination, cooperation. Eos Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 84(23), 218220.
- Cont. #: 2541
Wanninkhof, R., T.-H. Peng, B. Huss, C.L. Sabine, and K. Lee (2003): Comparison of inorganic carbon system parameters measured in the Atlantic Ocean from 1990 to 1998 and recommended adjustments. ORNL/CDIAC-140, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, 43 pp.
Calendar Year 2002
- Cont. #: 2516
Feely, R.A., C.L. Sabine, J.L. Bullister, and D. Greeley (2002): Organic carbon remineralization in the Pacific Ocean. In Sixth International Symposium on the Geochemistry of the Earth's Surface (GES-6), Honolulu, HI, 2024 May 2002, 226228.
- Cont. #: 2438
Feely, R.A., C.L. Sabine, K. Lee, F.J. Millero, M.F. Lamb, D. Greeley, J.L. Bullister, R.M. Key, T.-H. Peng, A. Kozyr, T. Ono, and C.S. Wong (2002): In situ calcium carbonate dissolution in the Pacific Ocean. Global Biogeochem. Cy., 16(4), 1144, doi: 10.1029/2002GB001866.
- Cont. #: 2445
Feely, R.A., and C.L. Sabine (eds.) (2002): A plan for data management of in situ large-scale oceanic carbon observations. In Report of the Data Management Workshop, NOAA OAR Special Report, NTIS: PB??, NOAA/OAR/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, WA, 2526 October 2001, 21 pp. [PDF Version]
- Cont. #: 2465
Iglesias-Rodriguez, M.D., R. Armstrong, R. Feely, R. Hood, J. Kleypas, J.D. Milliman, C. Sabine, and J. Sarmiento (2002): Progress made in study of ocean's calcium carbonate budget. Eos Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 83(34), 365375.
- Cont. #: 2356
Johnson, K.M., A.G. Dickson, G. Eischeid, C. Goyet, P.R. Guenther, R.M. Key, K. Lee, E.R. Lewis, F.J. Millero, D. Purkerson, C.L. Sabine, R.G. Schottle, D.W.R. Wallace, R.J. Wilke, and C.D. Winn (2002): Carbon dioxide, hydrographic, and chemical data obtained during the nine R/V Knorr cruises comprising the Indian Ocean CO2 survey (WOCE sections I8SI9S, I9N, I8NI5E, I3, I5WI4, I7N, I1, I10, and I2; December 1, 1994–January 19, 1996). CDIAC NDP 080, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, 69 pp.
- Cont. #: 2201
Lamb, M.F., C.L. Sabine, R.A. Feely, R. Wanninkhof, R.M. Key, G.C. Johnson, F.J. Millero, K. Lee, T.-H. Peng, A. Kozyr, J.L. Bullister, D. Greeley, R.H. Byrne, D.W. Chipman, A.G. Dickson, C. Goyet, P.R. Guenther, M. Ishii, K.M. Johnson, C.D. Keeling, T. Ono, K. Shitashima, B. Tilbrook, T. Takahashi, D.W.R. Wallace, Y.W. Watanabe, C. Winn, and C.S. Wong (2002): Consistency and synthesis of Pacific Ocean CO2 survey data. Deep-Sea Res. Pt. II, 49(13), 2158.
- Cont. #: 2317
Millero, F.J., D. Pierrot, K. Lee, R. Wanninkhof, R.A. Feely, C.L. Sabine, R.M. Key, and T. Takahashi (2002): Dissociation constants for carbonic acid determined from field measurements. Deep-Sea Res. Pt. I, 49(10), 17051723.
- Cont. #: 2318
Sabine, C.L., and R.A. Feely (2002): Carbon dioxide. In Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 1, Academic Press, 335342.
- Cont. #: 2378
Sabine, C.L., R.A. Feely, R.M. Key, J.L. Bullister, F.J. Millero, K. Lee, T.-H. Peng, B. Tilbrook, T. Ono, and C.S. Wong (2002): Distribution of anthropogenic CO2 in the Pacific Ocean. Global Biogeochem. Cy., 16(4), 1083, doi: 10.1029/2001GB001639.
- Cont. #: 2515
Sabine, C.L., R.A. Feely, R.M. Key, and D. Greeley (2002): Geochemical evidence of carbonate dissolution in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. In Sixth International Symposium on the Geochemistry of the Earth's Surface (GES-6), Honolulu, HI, 2024 May 2002, 145147.
- Cont. #: 2450
Sabine, C.L., R.M. Key, R.A. Feely, and D. Greeley (2002): Inorganic carbon in the Indian Ocean: Distribution and dissolution processes. Global Biogeochem. Cy., 16(4), 1067, 10.1029/2002GB001869.
- Cont. #: 2281
Takahashi, T., S.C. Sutherland, C. Sweeney, A. Poisson, N. Metzl, B. Tilbrook, N. Bates, R. Wanninkhof, R.A. Feely, C. Sabine, J. Olafsson, and Y. Nojiri (2002): Global sea-air CO2 flux based on climatological surface ocean pCO2, and seasonal biological and temperature effects. Deep-Sea Res. Pt. II, 49(910), 16011623.
Calendar Year 2001
- Cont. #: 2158
Coatanoan, C., C. Goyet, N. Gruber, C.L. Sabine, and M. Warner (2001): Comparison of two approaches to quantify anthropogenic CO2 in the ocean: Results from the northern Indian Ocean. Global Biogeochem. Cy., 15(1), 1125.
- Cont. #: 2423
Feely, R.A., C.L. Sabine, K. Lee, F.J. Millero, M.F. Lamb, J.L. Bullister, R.M. Key, R. Wanninkhof, T.-H. Peng, and A. Kozyr (2001): Calcium carbonate dissolution in the Pacific Ocean. In Sixth International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Sendai, Japan,, 15 October 2001, 617620.
- Cont. #: 2331
Feely, R.A., C.L. Sabine, T. Takahashi, and R. Wanninkhof (2001): Uptake and storage of carbon dioxide in the oceans: The global CO2 survey. Oceanography, 14(4), 1832.
- Cont. #: 2425
Gruber, N., M. Gloor, R.A. Feely, C. Roedenbeck, C.L. Sabine, and J.L. Sarmiento (2001): Air-sea fluxes of pre-industrial and anthropogenic CO2 determined by inverse modeling of ocean carbon data. In Sixth International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Sendai, Japan, 15 October 2001, 10391042.
- Cont. #: 2428
Lee, K., R.A. Feely, C.L. Sabine, F.J. Millero, and R. Wanninkhof (2001): Global estimate of CaCO3 export from the upper ocean. In Sixth International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Sendai, Japan, 1–5 October 2001, 712–714.
- Cont. #: 2199
Orr, J.C., E. Maier-Reimer, U. Mikolajewicz, P. Monfray, J.L. Sarmiento, J.R. Toggweiler, N.K. Taylor, J. Palmer, N. Gruber, C.L. Sabine, C. Le Quere, R.M. Key, and J. Boutin (2001): Estimates of anthropogenic carbon uptake from four three-dimensional global ocean models. Global Biogeochem. Cy., 15(1), 4360.
- Cont. #: 2424
Orr, J.C., P. Monfray, O. Aumont, A. Yool, I. Totterdell, K. Plattner, F. Joos, E. Maier-Reimer, M.-F. Weirig, R. Schlitzer, K. Caldeira, M. Wickett, R. Matear, M. Follows, Y. Gao, H. Drange, A. Ishida, Y. Yamanaka, S. Doney, K. Lindsay, J.L. Sarmiento, R.D. Slater, R.M. Key, N. Gruber, C. Sabine, and R. Najjar (2001): Simulations of historical and future anthropogenic CO2 uptake from 12 global ocean models. In Sixth International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Sendai, Japan, 15 October 2001, 1511054.
- Cont. #: 2175
Sabine, C.L., and R.A. Feely (2001): Comparison of recent Indian Ocean anthropogenic CO2 estimates with a historical approach. Global Biogeochem. Cy., 15(1), 3142.
- Cont. #: 2427
Sabine, C.L., R.M. Key, J.L. Bullister, R.A. Feely, M.F. Lamb, F.J. Millero, R. Wanninkhof, T.-H. Peng, K. Lee, A. Kozyr, and N. Gruber (2001): Multiple anthropogenic tracer distributions in the ocean. In Sixth International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Sendai, Japan, 15 October 2001, 915918.
- Cont. #: 2294
Sabine, C.L., and D.W.R. Wallace (2001): Ocean carbon observations. Chapter 1 in Joint IGBP EU-US Meeting on the Ocean Component of an Integrated Carbon Cycle Science Framework, JGOFS Report No. 33, Paris, France, 68 September 2000, 217.
Calendar Year 2000
- Cont. #: 2297
Feely, R.A., R. Wanninkhof, and C.L. Sabine (2000): The role of the oceans on the interannual variability of atmospheric CO2. In Proceedings of the Ocean Carbon Transport, Exchanges and Transformations (OCTET) Workshop, Warrenton, VA, 710 March 2000, 9397.
- Cont. #: 2298
Sabine, C.L., and R.A. Feely (2000): Monitoring anthropogenic CO2 in the oceans. In Proceedings of the Ocean Carbon Transport, Exchanges and Transformations (OCTET) Workshop, Warrenton, VA, 710 March 2000, 119122.
- Cont. #: 2211
Sabine, C.L., M.F. Lamb, J.L. Bullister, R.A. Feely, G.C. Johnson, R.M. Key, A. Kozyr, K. Lee, F.J. Millero, T.-H. Peng, and R. Wanninkhof (2000): US JGOFS team examines Pacific Ocean CO2 data quality. International WOCE Newsletter, 38, 1014.
- Cont. #: 2164
Sabine, C.L., R. Wanninkhof, R.M. Key, C. Goyet, and F.J. Millero (2000): Seasonal CO2 fluxes in the tropical and subtropical Indian Ocean. Mar. Chem., 72, 3353.
Calendar Year 1999
- Cont. #: 2161
Doney, S.C., and C.L. Sabine (1999): Direct estimates of the oceanic inventory of anthropogenic carbon. In WOCE Accomplishments, 1999, U.S. WOCE Implementation Report Number 11, U.S. WOCE Office, College Station, TX, 810.
- Cont. #: 2076
Feely, R.A., C.L. Sabine, R.M. Key, and T.-H. Peng (1999): CO2 survey synthesis results: Estimating the anthropogenic carbon dioxide sink in the Pacific Ocean. U.S. JGOFS News, 9(4), 14.
- Cont. #: 2152
Feely, R.A., C.L. Sabine, R.M. Key, T.-H. Peng, and R. Wanninkhof (1999): The U.S. Global CO2 Survey in the north and south Pacific Ocean: Preliminary synthesis results. In 2nd International Symposium on CO2 in the Oceans, the 12th Global Environment Tsukuba, CGER-1037-'99, CGER/NIES, Tsukuba, Japan, 1822 January 1999, 193198.
- Cont. #: 2190
Sabine, C.L., R.M. Key, and R.M. Sarmiento (1999): Anthropogenic carbon tracers and their use in evaluating global carbon models. In 2nd International Symposium on CO2 in the Oceans, the 12th Global Environment Tsukuba, CGER-1037-'99, CGER/NIES, Tsukuba, Japan, 1822 January 1999, 9598.
- Cont. #: 2151
Takahashi, T., R.H. Wanninkhof, R.A. Feely, R.F. Weiss, D.W. Chipman, N. Bates, J. Olafsson, C. Sabine, and S.C. Sutherland (1999): Net sea-air CO2 flux over the global oceans: An improved estimate based on the sea-air pCO2 difference. In 2nd International Symposium on CO2 in the Oceans, the 12th Global Environment Tsukuba, CGER-1037-'99, CGER/NIES, Tsukuba, Japan, 1822 January 1999, 915.